Who is Mr Thorne?

Mr Thorne is a UK-based teacher whose highly-respected YouTube site Mr Thorne Does Phonics contains over 500 literacy videos and has fast become an internet sensation.

Who is the father of phonics?

Daniel Jones (1881-1967) is known as the father of phonetics. He was a linguist, and professor of phonetics at University College, London.

Who does Geraldine the Giraffe?

teacher Christopher Thorne
Through his YouTube channel, phonic apps for the iPhone and iPad and his trusty sidekick Geraldine the Giraffe, UK teacher Christopher Thorne is teaching phonics (which uses letters and sounds to help reading and writing) to children, parents and teachers from all over the globe.

What does UE sound make?

yoo sound
The children should know that ue, ew and u-e make the yoo sound (statue) but sometimes they also make the oo sound (blue). The children should be confident reading words with ue and ew graphemes (argue, few).

Who is the founder of phonetics?

Daniel Jones (phonetician)

Daniel Jones
Born 12 September 1881 London
Died 4 December 1967 (aged 86) Gerrards Cross
Nationality British
Occupation Phonetician

Who created Jolly phonics?

Chris Jolly
Chris Jolly is Managing Director, and owner, of Jolly Learning Ltd. He founded the company in 1987, initially publishing some boxed reading games. He published the first part of Jolly Phonics in 1992. He met Sue Lloyd, the founding author of Jolly Phonics, at a small conference in 1989.

Is UE a grapheme?

The ‘ue’ grapheme mat includes wonderfully drawn illustrations, to correspond with each word, and will remind the children of their meaning. The focus words include ‘queue’, ‘blue’, ‘glue’, ’tissue’, ‘statue’, ‘argue’, ‘venue’, ‘clue’, ‘value’, ‘true’, ‘issue’, ‘cue’, ‘due’ and ‘rescue’.

What are the three methods of teaching phonics?

How is phonics taught?

  • Synthetic phonics. The most widely used approach associated with the teaching of reading in which phonemes (sounds) associated with particular graphemes (letters) are pronounced in isolation and blended together (synthesised).
  • Analytical phonics.
  • Analogy phonics.
  • Embedded phonics.