Who is eligible for incontinence pads?

The basic requirements are that you: have permanent and severe incontinence. have an eligible neurological condition or eligible other condition that is the cause of your permanent and severe incontinence. be 5 years or older.

What is continence assistance?

The CAPS is a Scheme that provides a payment to assist eligible people who have permanent and severe incontinence to meet some of the costs of their continence products.

Who caps MCA?

Who can apply for CAPS? A person is eligible for CAPS if they are five years of age or older and have one of the following: a permanent and severe incontinence of bladder and/or bowel function caused by an eligible neurological condition. See CAPS eligible neurological conditions.

How can I get free adult nappies?

A good place to start is your GP, who can give you a referral to your local district nurse or a continence advisor. These are specialist nurses who are experts in continence. Sometimes you might be able to get an appointment at an NHS continence service to see a continence advisor without a referral.

Is urinary incontinence a serious medical condition?

You may feel uncomfortable discussing incontinence with your doctor. But if incontinence is frequent or is affecting your quality of life, it’s important to seek medical advice because urinary incontinence may: Cause you to restrict your activities and limit your social interactions.

What is a continence assessment?

A continence assessment is a detailed assessment: of how the person’s bladder and bowel are working. of any issues the person has getting to, or using, the toilet. to work out if the person has incontinence and what type of incontinence they have.

What date is the CAPS payment made?

1 July each
Payment rate We index the CAPS payment on 1 July each year.

What is the meaning of CAPs?

1 : a head covering and especially one having a visor and no brim. 2 : something that serves as a cover or protection for something a bottle cap.

What are healthcare CAPs?

Many states offer help to consumers with health insurance problems through Consumer Assistance Programs* (CAPs). Through a federal grant, many States have established CAPs in order to better assist consumers experiencing problems with their health insurance or seeking to learn about health coverage options.

Can I get adult nappies on NHS?

Can I get incontinence products on the NHS? You may be able to get incontinence products on the NHS depending on your local clinical commissioning group. To qualify for NHS products you may need to be assessed by a healthcare professional.

Does NHS pay for incontinence pads?

For people with severe leakage, continence clinics and district nurses can supply pads on the NHS, though they tend to be big and bulky. “Women with mild to moderate incontinence want the thin, discrete pads you attach to your underwear. You pay for these yourself.