Who is Anne Frank and why is she so famous?

Known for her diary that recounted life in hiding during the Holocaust, Anne Frank has become a potent symbol of the Nazi genocide that killed six million Jews and about five million non-Jews between 1939 and 1945. About 30 million copies of her diary have been sold to date.

What are 4 facts about Anne Frank?

10 Facts About Anne Frank

  • “Anne” was just a nickname.
  • The Frank family were originally German.
  • Anne’s diary was a 13th birthday present.
  • She celebrated two birthdays while living in hiding.
  • Anne wrote two versions of her diary.
  • She called her diary “Kitty”
  • The residents of the annex were arrested on 4 August 1944.

Who is Anne Frank short summary?

Anne Frank was a teenage Jewish girl who kept a diary while her family was in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. For two years, she and seven others lived in a “Secret Annex” in Amsterdam before being discovered and sent to concentration camps. Anne died in the Bergen-Belsen camp in 1945.

Who found and kept Anne’s diary?

Miep Gies
How was the diary preserved? After the arrest of the eight people in hiding, helpers Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl found Anne’s writings in the Secret Annex. Miep held on to Anne’s diaries and papers and kept them in a drawer of her desk.

Why Anne Frank wrote her diary?

Anne Frank received her diary as a gift on her thirteenth birthday in 1942. At first, it was her place to record observations about friends and school and her innermost thoughts. But when she and her family went into hiding the month after the diary began, it became a war document.

Who is Anne Frank class 10th?

Anne Frank is a Jewish girl who is hiding during World War II, in order to avoid the Nazis. She shares her experience and the story during her time of depression. Also, she hides in the secret annexe on the Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam with seven other people.

Who does Anne kiss in Anne with an E?

Fans were waiting for Anne and Gilbert to finally kiss and confess their feelings to each other, and in person this time. During the last scene of the season three finale “The Better Feeling of My Heart,” Gilbert finds out about Anne’s original letter and he flees to her before they both leave for college.

What language did Anne Frank speak?

Anne Frank/Languages