Who invented brachydactyly?

It indicates shortening of digits due to abnormal development of phalanges, metacarpals, or both. Brachydactyly is one of the ten categories of hand malformations classified by Temtamy & McKusick [1] in their original work on the genetics of hand malformations.

What does brachydactyly come from?

Brachydactyly is an inherited condition, which makes genetics the main cause. If you have shortened fingers or toes, other members of your family most likely also have the condition. It is an autosomal dominant condition, which means you only need one parent with the gene to inherit the condition.

What does brachydactyly mean?

Brachydactyly (“short digits”) is a general term that refers to disproportionately short fingers and toes, and forms part of the group of limb malformations characterized by bone dysostosis.

Is brachydactyly a disease?

Summary. Brachydactyly type E is a genetic disorder that causes some of the bones of the hands or feet to be shorter than expected. Other signs of the disorder may include having very flexible joints (hyperextensibility) in the hands and being shorter than family members who do not have the disorder (short stature).

What percentage of the world has brachydactyly?

Some studies included taking radiographs of hands and wrists to examine their skeletal structure. Of the studied sample (which included 2,130 participants; 969 male and 1,161 female), 3.55% were found to have brachydactyly type D.

What are royal thumbs?

Clubbed thumbs are historically thought of as a sign of royalty. This rare condition was much more common in royal European blood-lines than in the general population and was used as a factor in determining the pureness of the blood.

What is Brachydactyly type D?

Brachydactyly type D, also known as short thumb or stub thumb and inaccurately referred to as clubbed thumb, is a condition clinically recognised by a thumb being relatively short and round with an accompanying wider nail bed.

How is Brachydactyly inherited?

Most types of brachydactyly are genetic, which means that they can be passed down in a family. It’s a dominant genetic trait, so only one parent needs to have the condition for a child to inherit it. If you have brachydactyly, other people in your family most likely have it as well.

Is brachydactyly genetic?