Who discovered the polio vaccine?

Jonas salk (1914–1995) His technique succeeded and informed his later work on polio: “The principal that I tried to establish was really that it was not necessary to run the risk of infection, which would have been the case if one were to try to develop an attenuated or weakened poliovirus vaccine.

What is Sabin technique?

Medical Definition of Sabin vaccine : a polio vaccine that is taken by mouth and contains the three serotypes of poliovirus in a weakened, live state. — called also Sabin oral vaccine.

How did Salk develop the polio vaccine?

While most scientists believed that effective vaccines could only be developed with live viruses, Salk developed a “killed-virus” vaccine by growing samples of the virus and then deactivating them by adding formaldehyde so that they could no longer reproduce.

Who is the father of vaccination?

Edward Jenner is considered the founder of vaccinology in the West in 1796, after he inoculated a 13 year-old-boy with vaccinia virus (cowpox), and demonstrated immunity to smallpox. In 1798, the first smallpox vaccine was developed.

When did Sabin vaccine come out?

In 1957, Sabin developed a trivalent vaccine containing attenuated strains of all three types of poliovirus. In 1959, ten million children in the Soviet Union received the Sabin oral vaccine.

Why did US stop using oral polio vaccine?

According to the World Health Organization, routine immunization with OPV must cease after the eradication of poliovirus because of the danger of outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus and the risk of VAPP.

What is Albert Sabin known for?

Albert Sabin. During his life, Sabin became a household name, famous the world over for his development of the oral polio vaccine. He was also a role model for many clinicians and researchers because he refused to patent the vaccine.

Why Jonas Salk was not awarded the Nobel Prize?

Salk has not in the development of his methods introduced anything that is principally new, but only exploited discoveries made by others… [therefore] Salk’s publications on the poliomyelitis vaccine cannot be considered as Prize worthy.

When did the Sabin vaccine become available?

Sabin Sunday, 1960 Although Jonas Salk developed a killed-virus polio vaccine in 1953, Sabin’s “live” polio vaccine became the vaccine of choice for mass immunization programs worldwide because of ease of administration, low cost and its ability to break the chain of transmission.