Who discovered logarithms?

John NapierLogarithm / InventorJohn Napier of Merchiston, nicknamed Marvellous Merchiston, was a Scottish landowner known as a mathematician, physicist, and astronomer. He was the 8th Laird of Merchiston. His Latinized name was Ioannes Neper.
John Napier is best known as the discoverer of logarithms. Wikipedia

How did John Napier discovered logarithms?

John Napier, the Scottish mathematician, published his discovery of logarithms in 1614. His purpose was to assist in the multiplication of quantities that were then called sines….Timeline of Logarithms.

1550 John Napier1 was born in Edinburgh Scotland.
1675 Newton discovers the fact that the d/dx ln x = 1/x.

When did Napier invent logarithms?

Joost Bürgi, the Swiss mathematician, between 1603 and 1611 independently invented a system of logarithms, which he published in 1620. But Napier worked on logarithms earlier than Bürgi and has the priority due to his prior date of publication in 1614.

Why are they called logarithms?

Napier coined the term for logarithm in Middle Latin, “logarithmus,” derived from the Greek, literally meaning, “ratio-number,” from logos “proportion, ratio, word” + arithmos “number”. The common logarithm of a number is the index of that power of ten which equals the number.

Where did John Napier make logarithms?

He coined a term from the two ancient Greek terms logos, meaning proportion, and arithmos, meaning number; compounding them to produce the word “logarithm.” Napier used this word as well as the designations “natural” and “artificial” for numbers and their logarithms, respectively, in his text.

What did John Napier spend 20 years calculating?

After this breakthrough, he spent the next 20 years calculating the first table of logarithms, publishing his results in 1614.

What did John Napier discovered?

Napier’s bonesLocation arithmetic
John Napier/Inventions

What is logarithm used for in real life?

Using Logarithmic Functions Much of the power of logarithms is their usefulness in solving exponential equations. Some examples of this include sound (decibel measures), earthquakes (Richter scale), the brightness of stars, and chemistry (pH balance, a measure of acidity and alkalinity).