Who did the Flake advert?

The woman who sang the original jingle for the racy Cadbury Flake adverts has died. Anita Perks, 61, provided the sultry tones in the iconic Seventies ads.

Who was the girl in the Cadbury’s Flake advert?

It stars actress and model Alyssa Sutherland, and Cadbury says it will focus on the unique way of eating a Cadbury Flake: peeling back the wrapper and enjoying the “crumbliest, flakiest chocolate”. The return of the Flake girl follows a five-year absence from UK screens.

Where was the Flake advert filmed?

“The production crew flew me to Portugal to film this black-and-white scene, which involved me wading into a lake before taking a bite of the chocolate bar.

What was a cadburys dipped Flake?

Flake Dipped – milk chocolate flake dipped into milk chocolate (resembles a larger version of Twirl), and also known as Flake Luxury.

What came first Flake or twirl?

Twirl was developed by the Cadbury Ireland business using Flake technology and it was launched in the UK in 1987. The brand It was originally launched in Ireland in 1985 as a single finger product and became a two-finger product on its UK launch.

What is a 99 in England?

From the Cadbury website: An Ice Cream served in a cone with a Flake 99 is the UK’s favourite ice cream. In the days of the monarchy in Italy the King had an elite guard consisting of 99 soldiers. Subsequently anything really special or first class was known as “99”.

Who was the first flake girl?

When Hoima MacDonald became the first Cadbury’s Flake girl, she had no idea that her advert would be so suggestive. She was 22 and had a year to kill before starting art school when she decided to try her luck at modelling. Hoima auditioned alongside 20 other girls for the four-day shoot in Portugal.

Who has the face that appeared in the chocolate Flake advertisements from the 1960s?

But by the late 1960s the ads had been given a racier twist with the introduction of young model Hioma MacDonald, who was seen wading through a lake before taking a bite of the chocolate. A haunting female voice played in the background singing the now famous lines, ‘only the crumbliest, flakiest, chocolate’.

What came first Flake or Twirl?

Is a Twirl just a Flake?

A Cadbury rep told The Metro, “Both Cadbury Twirl and Cadbury Flake bars are made with the Cadbury chocolate that we all know and love. “We can confirm they are not one and the same, how each of them are made is a secret though, known only to our brilliant chocolate makers.” So there you have it. Phew.

Is a Twirl just a Flake dipped in chocolate?

A Cadbury rep told The Metro, “Both Cadbury Twirl and Cadbury Flake bars are made with the Cadbury chocolate that we all know and love. “We can confirm they are not one and the same, how each of them are made is a secret though, known only to our brilliant chocolate makers.” So there you have it.

Why does a Flake not melt?

Try as you might, they won’t melt. Although Flake is made from milk chocolate, the manufacturing process gives it a different arrangement of fat and cocoa solids, so the melting fat isn’t able to lubricate the cocoa particles to the point where they can flow.