Who developed AXI?

The Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI), is an on-chip communication bus protocol developed by ARM. It is part of the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture 3 (AXI3) and 4 (AXI4) specifications. AXI has been introduced in 2003 with the AMBA3 specification.

What is difference between AXI4 and AXI4 Lite?

AXI4: A high performance memory mapped data and address interface. Capable of Burst access to memory mapped devices. AXI4-Lite: A subset of AXI, lacking burst access capability.

What is AXI bus protocol?

The AXI is a point to point interconnect that designed for high performance, high speed microcontroller systems. The AXI protocol is based on a point to point interconnect to avoid bus sharing and therefore allow higher bandwidth and lower latency. AXI is arguably the most popular of all AMBA interface interconnect.

What is AXI ZYNQ?

The AXI Interconnection is the established language between PS and PL of Zynq. The FPGA vendors such as Xilinx has amazingly made possible to combine software and hardware subsystems within a single chip, and AXI is the main system of communication between these subsystems.

How many channels are there in AXI?

five channels
The AXI protocol defines five channels: three for write signals, and two for read signals.

How AXI is different from AHB?

1] AXI is a multi-channel bus with 5 independent channels like Write address channel, Read address channel, Write data channel, Read data channel, Write response channel (Read Response is sent along with the Read data) while AHB is a single channel bus.

Where is AXI protocol used?

The protocol used by many SoC today is AXI, or Advanced eXtensible Interface, and is part of the ARM Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) specification. It is especially prevalent in Xilinx’s Zynq devices, providing the interface between the processing system and programmable logic sections of the chip.

What is AXI SmartConnect?

AXI SmartConnect is a drop-in replacement for the AXI Interconnect v2 core. AXI SmartConnect is more tightly integrated into the Vivado design environment to automatically configure and adapt to connected AXI master and slave IP with minimal user intervention.

What is AXI memory?

The AXI slave interface is a memory-mapped interface to an on-chip memory block. This interface is intended to be controlled by an AXI or Avalon-MM master interface, which can write to and read from the memory block. Parameters specify the AXI ID signal widths, the slave address width, and the data width.

What does AXI stand for?

AXI stands for Advanced Extensible Interface (interface standard)

Is AXI a bus?

Note: The AXI protocol is a point-to-point specification, not a bus specification. Therefore, it describes only the signals and timing between interfaces.

Is AXI full duplex?

5] AXI support Full-duplex mode of communication because of multiple and independent channels while AHB does not support Full-duplex mode.

What are the transfers on the AXI read and write bus?

This section describes the transfers of varying sizes on the AXI read and write data buses and how the interface performs mixed-endian and unaligned transfers. It contains the following sections: •Write strobes •Narrow transfers •Byte invarianceon page A3-50 •Unaligned transferson page A3-51. Write strobes

What is the difference between the AXI and AXI4 protocol?

The AXI protocol includes the optional extensions that cover signaling for low-power operation. The AXI protocol includes the AXI4-Lite specification, a subset of AXI4 for communi cation with simpler control register style interfaces within components.

What are the access permissions signals provided by axi?

AXI provides access permissions signals that can be used to protect against illegal transactions: •ARPROT[2:0]defines the access permissions for read accesses •AWPROT[2:0]defines the access permissions for write accesses. The term AxPROTrefers collectively to the ARPROTand AWPROTsignals. Table A4-6 shows the AxPROT[2:0]encoding.

What are the Channel Signaling requirements for the AXI protocol?

The individual AXI protocol channel handshake mechanisms are described in Channel signaling requirements. A3.2.2 Channel signaling requirements The following sections define the handshake signals and the handshake rules for each channel: •Channel handshake signals •Write address channel