Who designed the Christian Science Center?
Who designed the Christian Science Center?
architect Arnaldo Cossutta
Designed By To contextualize the many existing and proposed buildings that would comprise the 25-acre Christian Science Center campus, architect Arnaldo Cossutta of I.M. Pei & Associates, in close collaboration with the Boston Redevelopment Authority, created a master plan.
When was the Christian Science Center in Boston built?
The site is bounded by Huntington Avenue, Horticultural Hall, Massachusetts Avenue, Clearway Street, Dalton Street, and Belvidere Street. The Christian Science Center is comprised of six buildings and interstitial plaza areas, constructed between 1894 and 1975.
Who owns the Christian Science Plaza?
A popular tourist attraction, the center is owned by the Church of Christ, Scientist (the Christian Science church), which refers to it as Christian Science Plaza. The complex, including most of the landscape was designated as a Boston Landmark by the Boston Landmarks Commission in 2011.
Who is the head of Christian Science?
The new president of the Christian Science church is Bosede Bakarey of Ibadan, Nigeria, the first African to be appointed to a post that typically involves much interaction with the public at large.
What is the mother religion of Christianity?
The Mother Church of Christianity is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the traditional site of the most important events in the religion. Within are the holiest spots of Christianity, chiefly, the place of Jesus’ crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection.
What is the mother church in Boston?
The Mother Church of Christian Science, Boston. The Mother Church is the controlling body of Christian Science, and all local Churches of Christ, Scientist are considered branches of The Mother Church.
What religion does not believe in doctors?
D. Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusion. Christian Scientists refuse most medical treatment. Instead they rely on the healing prayers of Christian Scientist Practitioners.