Who can join SHAPE America?

Membership is open to K-12 schools, colleges/universities and health and physical education-related companies. Up to 4 individuals can be included on one institutional membership and the designated hard-copy publication will be sent to the main contact on the membership. Not eligible for voting or convention discounts.

Who runs SHAPE America?

Judy LoBianco is the president of SHAPE America and the supervisor of health and physical education for the more than 5,900 students in the Livingston School District in Livingston, New Jersey. She is responsible for curriculum development, equipment and program purchases as well as staff professional development.

How does SHAPE America serve its members?

SHAPE America provides programs, resources and advocacy that support an inclusive, active and healthier school culture, and the organization’s newest program — health. moves. minds. ® — helps teachers and schools incorporate social and emotional learning so students can thrive physically and emotionally.

What is the health moves Minds program from SHAPE America?

Health Moves Minds is a NEW service-learning program by SHAPE America that raises funds for your school and teaches kids how to thrive physical and emotionally! This service-learning program features skill-based and standards-based lesson plans that teach kids to thrive physically and emotionally.

What is the full form of AAHPERD?

AAHPERD (The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) announced that the organisation’s membership approved the name change, which will be accompanied by a new logo, tag line and brand as well as a new website to be launched early in 2014.

How many events are there in AAHPERD test?

AAHPERD fitness test is a fitness test for school level boys and girls to measure their upper body strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, etc. This test consists of 6 exercises, Pull-ups ( for boys ) / Flexed arms hang ( for girls ) Sit-ups.

What are the Naspe standards?

NASPE Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. NASPE Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

What types of services are provided by the National Association for Sport and physical education?

As a nonprofit membership association they “enhance knowledge, improve professional practice, and increase support for high quality physical education, sport, and physical activity programs.”1 The association offers an array of informational conferences, valuable resources, and grants and awards to its members.

What is AAHPERD called today?

SHAPE America
The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) has announced a name change to SHAPE America.

How do you do the AAHPERD fitness test?

Fingers are interlocked behind the neck with elbows touching the floor. The feet are held by a partner. The student then curls up to a sitting position and touches the elbows to the knees. This exercise is repeated as many times as possible in 60 seconds (1 minute).