Who are the seven sons of Oduduwa?

These are the names of the seven grand children of Oduduwa according to their order: Olowu of Owu, Onisbe of Sabe, Onipopo of Popo, Oba of Benin, Orangun of Ila, Alaketu of Ketu, Alafin of Oyo.

Where is Oduduwa originally from?

The Yoruba migration tradition regarding Oduduwa is a view according to which Oduduwa originated from Mecca through his biological father Lamurudu, who was a king in Mecca (Folorunso 2003:87). Oduduwa, then a prince, came to Nigeria together with his two children.

Who gave Oranmiyan birth?

Oranmiyan. Oranmiyan was a biological son of Ogun but appears to have been adopted by Oduduwa. He was one of the most adventurous of the Yoruba historical figures. The controversy surrounding his birth is due to the fact that both Oduduwa and Ogun had affairs with the same woman, his mother Lakange.

Is Oduduwa from Benin?

The monarch said going by historical evidence detailing the Oduduwa lineage, Benin Kingdom remained part and parcel of Oduduwa House. “We in Oduduwa land have always seen and regarded our people in Benin kingdom as part and parcel of Oduduwa House.

Who is the first class king in Yorubaland?

This ethnic group has always had traditional rulers who represented the sons of Oduduwa. By the way, Oduduwa is known as the first Ife’s ruler and represents the ancestor of all modern and autonomous royal families and generations in Yorubaland.

Is Oduduwa a god?

Oduduwa (Odudua, Oduwa) is the chief goddess of the Yoruba, the creator; she represents the earth. She is the wife of Obatala, but she is contemporary with Olorun—not made by him, as was her husband. She came from Ife, the holy city, in common with most of the other gods.

Who is the first king in Yorubaland?

Oduduwa was the first divine king of the Yoruba people. It is said the Yoruba people believe that their civilization began at Ile-Ife where the gods descended to earth.

Where did Oduduwa migrated from?

He and his followers founded many kingdoms and ruling dynasties along their migration route into West Africa. This tradition is a variant of the belief that held that Oduduwa was a prince originating from Mecca.

How is Oranmiyan related to Benin?

Oranmiyan – The First King of Benin Upon conquering the city, he decided to be King, he became the first Oba of Benin. His foreign style of rulership didn’t go well with the people of Igodomigodo and they started spying on him with the plan of killing him.

Where did Yoruba migrated from?

The Yoruba have shared a common language and culture for centuries but were probably never a single political unit. They seem to have migrated from the east to their present lands west of the lower Niger River more than a millennium ago. They eventually became the most urbanized Africans of precolonial times.