Who are the Evenk people?

The Evenks (also spelled Ewenki or Evenki based on their endonym Ewenkī(l)) are a Tungusic people of North Asia. In Russia, the Evenks are recognised as one of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North, with a population of 38,396 (2010 census).

Where do the Evenk people live?

East Siberia
Evenki are a fishing, hunting and reindeer herding people that live over a vast geographical range in East Siberia, Far East of Russia, Northern China and Mongolia. It is estimated that approximately 36,000 Evenki live today and 7,000 speak the language.

What religion do shamans belong to?

Shamanism is a system of religious practice. Historically, it is often associated with indigenous and tribal societies, and involves belief that shamans, with a connection to the otherworld, have the power to heal the sick, communicate with spirits, and escort souls of the dead to the afterlife.

What is Evenki art and culture?

It includes visual, material, and written exhibits of the Evenki culture and objects used in ritual, reindeer herding, and hunting. Most of these objects are made by local artisans and represent the history of the Evenkis through their material culture and their relationship to the land and reindeer herding.

What do Evenki people wear?

For winter clothing, the Evenks used fur, dressed deer skin, and later – cloth. As a rule, the main material was “provided” by deer, sometimes elks. The Evenks in Baikal region widely used the skins of ringed seals and Siberian marmot.

What language do the Evenki speak?

Evenk language, also called Evenki, also spelled Evenky or Ewenki, formerly Tungus, one of the largest members of the Manchu-Tungus language family within the Altaic language group. The language, which has more than 20 dialects, is spoken in China, Mongolia, and Russia.

What language do Yakuts speak?

Sakha language
Sakha language, also called Yakut language or Sakha-Tyla, member of the Turkic family within the Altaic language group, spoken in northeastern Siberia (Sakha republic), in northeastern Russia.
