Which was the International Decade for Drinking Water & sanitation?

The United Nations Water Conference (1977), the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (1981-1990), the International Conference on Water and the Envronment (1992) and the Earth Summit (1992) — all focused on this vital resource.

When and who proclaimed the period 2005 to 2015 as the International Decade for Action on Water for Life What was the aim behind it?

On 23 December 2003, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the period 2005-2015 “the International Decade for Action ‘Water for Life’”. It was decided that the primary goal of the ‘Water for Life’ Decade was to promote efforts to fulfil international commitments made on water and water-related issues by 2015.

When was Resolution A RES 71 222 adopted?

Sendai Framework Page 5 2 GLOBAL WATER ACTION DECADE MANDATE In December 2016, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution A/RES/71/222 proclaiming the period 2018 to 2028 The International Decade for Action: Water for Sustainable Development.

What does the UN do for water?

Over 30 UN organizations carry out water and sanitation programmes, reflecting the fact that water issues run through all of the UN’s main focus areas. UN-Water’s role is to coordinate so that the UN family ‘delivers as one’ in response to water related challenges.

Which decade is observed as the International Decade for Action water for sustainable development?

In order to accelerate efforts towards meeting water-related challenges, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2018-2028 as the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”.

Which is the International Year of Freshwater?

To raise awareness and galvanize action, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater (WaterYear2003).

Which ten year period emerged as the International Decade for Literacy?

2003 to 2012
During its fifty-sixth session, the General Assembly proclaimed the period 2003 to 2012 as the Literacy Decade with the objective of achieving locally sustainable literate environments by extending literacy to the 860 million illiterate adults and the 113 million children out of school worldwide.

Why do we say water is life?

Life on earth cannot survive without water. It is a precious natural resource. Water supports all human, plant and animal life. We use it to produce food, manufacture goods and sustain health.

What is the purpose of UN Water Action decade 2018-2028?

In order to accelerate efforts towards meeting water-related challenges, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2018-2028 as the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”.

Which country has no drinking water?

The country has a population of more than 80 million. Iran is one of the top four countries facing water crisis and the two-thirds of its land is an arid desert. One of the major reasons for the water shortage in Iran is drought that occurs almost every year due to lack of storage dams.

What is the purpose of UN water Action Decade 2018-2028?
