Which two data sources are supported by BI Publisher?

Private connections for OLAP, JDBC, Web Service, and HTTP data sources are supported in BI Publisher and can be created by users with data model creation privileges.

How do I create an XPT template in BI Publisher?

  1. Step 1: Obtain Sample XML Data from the Data Model.
  2. Step 2: Open the BlankExcelTemplate.xls File and Save As the Template Name.
  3. Step 3: Design the Layout in Excel.
  4. Step 4: Assign the BI Publisher Defined Names.
  5. Step 5: Prepare the XDO_METADATA Sheet.
  6. Step 6: Test the Template.

How do you repeat a group in BI Publisher?

To create a repeating group:

  1. Select the section of the template that contains the elements you want repeated.
  2. From the Oracle BI Publisher menu, select Insert, then Repeating Group.
  3. Enter the appropriate fields in the Field Properties dialog:
  4. To sort the grouped data, select the Sorting tab.

How do I edit an XPT file?

To edit a BI Publisher layout (. xpt file type) select the report from the list and click Edit. To edit any other template type, click the File name link to download the layout to a local computer for editing.

How do you create a BIP report?

To define a new report:

  1. While logged into Oracle BI Publisher as Administrator, click the Reports tab.
  2. Click Home, then click the My Folders link.
  3. Click Create a new report in the Folders and Report Tasks menu.
  4. Enter Invoices as the report name, then click Create.
  5. Click Edit under the newly created report.
  6. Click Report.

How can I open an XPT file?

The common application used to open . xpt files are Mozilla Firefox, IBM SPSS, and SAS Analytics software. However, the video game Dungeons and Dragons also make use of the . xpt file extension even if it is not a popular game and it is still considered an application that could be used to open .

How do I open an XPT file in SPSS?

xpt. These files can be read directly into SPSS either via using the pull-down menu or via using the syntax. Using the pull-down menus select File -> Open -> Data… and then for Files of Type select the appropriate SAS data file type; then select the file from the list and click Open.