Which train is running from Delhi to Allahabad?

Some of the trains that operate between New Delhi and Allahabad Jn include: ALD HUMSAFAR , POORVA EXPRESS. The first train on this route is VANDE BHARAT EXP and leaves New Delhi at 06:00 am , and the last train from New Delhi to Allahabad Jn is NDLS SCL PSK EXP and leaves New Delhi at 23:45 pm.

What is the station code of Allahabad?

Allahabad Jn Railway Station(station code – ALD) is well-connected to all major Indian cities.

How can I go to Allahabad from Delhi?

The cheapest way to reach from New Delhi to Allahabad is bus to Allahabad and takes 9h 40m. The fastest way to reach from New Delhi to Allahabad is flight to Allahabad Airport Bamrauli Airport and takes 2h 5m. The recommended way to reach from New Delhi to Allahabad is bus to Allahabad and takes 9h 40m.

How many hours does it take for a train journey from Delhi to Allahabad i it takes 10 hour from Delhi to Lucknow II it takes 6 Hour from Lucknow to Allahabad?

By Train. Traveling from Delhi to Allahabad by train almost takes about 6 to 8 hours. There are in fact numerous trains that run between the two cities.

Which train is Allahabad?

Prayagraj Junction railway station

Prayagraj Junction
Indian Railways junction station
General information
Other names Allahabad Junction
Location Leader Road, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh India

What is the train number of Prayagraj Express?

Exp 12418
Prayagraj Exp 12418 Train Information Prayagraj Exp (12418) train runs from New Delhi to Prayagraj Jn.. This mail express train covers a distance of about 634 km.

How far is prayagraj from Allahabad?

Shortest Route: 6.45 km.

Is Allahabad and prayagraj same?

Although initially named Ilahabad the name later became Allahabad in an anglicized version in Roman script. In 2018 the name of the city was changed back to Prayagraj by the State government ruled by Yogi Adityanath.

How many hours does it take for a train journey from Delhi to Allahabad?

You can reach Allahabad from New Delhi by travelling in a train. New Delhi to Allahabad train takes approximately 6 h 44 m.