Which state is considered the #1 puppy mill state in the US?

Missouri continues to have the largest number of puppy mills in this year’s report for the seventh year in a row (22), followed by Iowa (13), Pennsylvania (12) and Ohio (eight).

Where are most puppy mills located?

Today, Missouri is considered the leading puppy mill state in the country. Over time, puppy mills have spread geographically. The highest concentration is in the Midwest, but there are also high concentrations in other areas, including Pennsylvania, Ohio and upstate New York.

How do you tell if you are dealing with a puppy mill?

9 Signs That Your Dog Came From a Puppy Mill

  1. Puppies Are Unclean or Unhealthy.
  2. Puppies Aren’t Vaccinated.
  3. Puppy Mill Owners Won’t Meet You At Home.
  4. Puppy’s Parents Aren’t Present.
  5. Pet Store Puppies are Usually from Mills.
  6. Multiple Breeds are Available.
  7. Many Litters Can Be Found.
  8. Mill Puppies Have Behavior Issues.

Does Missouri have puppy mills?

In their annual list of worst dog breeders in the country, advocacy group Humane Society of the United States had Missouri topping the list with 26 of the most abusive puppy mills. Since the list was first published 10 years ago, Missouri has topped the list each year.

Are puppy mills legal in Missouri?

Fair Ballot Language The amendment further prohibits any breeder from having more than 50 breeding dogs for the purpose of selling their puppies as pets. The amendment also creates a misdemeanor crime of “puppy mill cruelty” for any violations.

What do the Amish do with puppies that don’t sell?

The female breeders live their life producing litter after litter… until they can’t any longer. Bill Smith, the founder of Main Line Animal Rescue, says that the dogs are then disposed of — sometimes euthanized, sometimes shot. And it’s perfectly legal.

Are there a lot of puppy mills in Missouri?

LOUIS– Missouri has more problem puppy mills than any other state according to a new report by The Humane Society of the United States. Missouri topped the list with 21 problem puppy mills in the 2021 Horrible Hundred report. The report is released annually and Missouri has topped the list for 9 straight years.

How many puppy mills are there in Missouri?

Missouri has most problematic puppy mills on Humane Society report. ST. LOUIS — Missouri is home to 26 of the 100 puppy mills mentioned in the Humane Society’s 10th annual report on problematic puppy mills.