Which situation would require an LOD determination?
Which situation would require an LOD determination?
Under military regulations the L-O-D process is required when an active duty service member has an illness, injury, or disease that results in the inability to perform military duties for more than 24 hours, is likely to cause permanent disability, or results in the death of a service member.
How long does it take to get an Lod?
Well the time to complete the investigation ranges from 5-75 days depending on the situation. See Tables 3-1 and 3-2 of AR 600-8-4 (Line of Duty Policy Procedures and Investigations).
What is a Line of Duty Determination?
A: Line of Duty (LOD) determination is an administrative tool for determining a Soldier’s duty status at the time of injury, illness, disability, or death. Eligibility to determine entitlements and benefits authorized by the Army National Guard will be determined by LOD determination.
How long is an LOD good for?
The referral submitted by the military hospital/clinic is valid for 180 days and DHA-GL is valid for 365 days. If continued care is necessary beyond the initial approval: Within the episode of care (180/365): Your servicing provider can submit a request to HNFS for review.
What is a lod death?
A Line of Duty (LOD) determination is an administrative tool for determining a member’s duty status at the time an injury, illness, disability, or death is incurred.
How can I check my Lod status?
You can locate all LODs in your access scope and status of ownership on the My LODs page. Specific LODs can be found by entering information into one or more of the provided filters. The eMMPS / My LODs page displays.
What does Lod mean in the military?
Line of Duty
Members of the National Guard and Reserve who become ill or injured while on active duty may be eligible for line of duty (LOD) care, also known as notification of eligibility (NOE) for Coast Guard members.
Can you get kicked out of the military for mental health?
According to the Department of Defense, you’re disqualified from serving in the U.S. military if you have a current diagnosis or a history of most mental disorders. The presence of any disorder with psychotic features, such as schizophrenia or a delusional disorder, does not allow one to serve.
What is the main cause of death for firefighters?
According to IAFF, occupational cancer is the leading cause of death among firefighters, accounting for more than 65 percent of the line-of-duty deaths added to the IAFF Fire Fighter Memorial Wall of Honor each year.
Who is the approval authority for informal LODs in the Army Reserve?
the appointing authority
For informal LOD investigations (to include assigned mobilized USAR and ARNG Soldiers prior to DEMOB), the appointing authority is also the approving authority.