Which scope is shared by a top level flow and all of its subflows?
Which scope is shared by a top level flow and all of its subflows?
Conversation scope
Conversation scope is created at the beginning of a top-level flow and is destroyed when that flow ends. Conversation scope is much like flow scope, except that where flow scope is only available to the flow which it was created in, conversation scope is available to the top-level flow and all of its subflows.
What are the modules of Spring Web Flow?
Spring’s web module provides a wealth of unique web support features, including: Clear separation of roles – controller, validator, command object, form object, model object, DispatcherServlet, handler mapping, view resolver, etc. Each role can be fulfilled by a specialized object.
How are actions defined in Spring Web Flow?
In an XML flow definition, an action state is defined using the element, and the action to execute is defined using a nested element. Action states are typically used to interact with back-end ser- vices, for instance, those provided by the service layer of the application.
What are the differences between Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow?
MVC is an implementation of the Model View Controller design pattern, webflow is an implementation of a “web flow” state machine. Web flow sits on top of springs MVC and allows you to define complex navigational flows.
What is the difference between Subflow and private flow in mule?
Private flows are different from subflows in terms of Threading and Exception Handling. They have their own Exception Handling. The exception will be trapped by the local Exception Handling and it will not be propagated to the main flow.
What is initial state in mule flow?
These are Mule runtime settings for the flow. The default, Started ( initialState=”started” , also called Empty in Studio), indicates that the flow is active when you start the app.
Which are the IoC containers in Spring?
There are two types of IoC containers. They are: BeanFactory. ApplicationContext.
What is reactive web in spring boot?
The spring-web-reactive module contains the Spring Web Reactive framework that supports the @Controller programming model. It re-defines many of the Spring MVC contracts such as HandlerMapping and HandlerAdapter to be asynchronous and non-blocking and to operate on the reactive HTTP request and response.
What is spring state machine?
Spring Statemachine is a framework for application developers to use state machine concepts with Spring applications. Spring Statemachine aims to provide following features: Easy to use flat one level state machine for simple use cases. Hierarchical state machine structure to ease complex state configuration.
What is the difference between Subflow and sync flow?
Subflow is synchronous and sync flow is asynchronous.
What is async scope in mule?
The Async scope is a branch processing block that executes simultaneously with the main flow. The main flow continues to execute while it initiates and processes the Async scope. The flow does not have to pause until the last message processor embedded in the asynchronous flow has completed its task.