Which quantity in physics has no unit?

Relative density
Relative density is the ratio of density of substance and density of reference substance. Here, we can observe from the above formula that relative density is ratio of density and density. So it will have no unit.

What quantities have no units?

A quantity without dimension will usually be a ratio of two quantities with similar dimensions and hence, will cancel out. Thus, they will have no units and are known as dimensionless quantities.

Which physical quantities have no dimensions?

Tension is a force and surface tension is force per unit area hence their dimensions are not same.

Does ratio have no unit?


Which physical quantity has no unit and no dimension?

Originally Answered: Which physical quantity have no unit and no dimensions? Every physical quantity defined as ratio of two similar physical quantities possess no unit and dimension. Eg. Refractive index, efficiency etc.

Which of the following has no dimensions?

Detailed Solution The correct answer is Angle. CONCEPT: The powers to which fundamental quantities must be raised in order to express the given physical quantity are called its dimensions. A quantity without dimension will usually be a ratio of two quantities with similar dimensions and hence, will cancel out.

Which of the following groups have quantities that do not have the same dimension?

1 Answer. The quantities in the group (a), (b) and (d) i.e. (Velocity, Speed), (Pressure,WorkVolume) ( Pressure , Work Volume ) and (Work, Energy) have the same dimensions. Hence I and F cannot have the same dimensions.

What are basic quantities?

In physics, there are seven fundamental physical quantities that are measured in base or physical fundamental units: length, mass, time, electric current temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity.

What are the 2 types of quantities?

Magnitude (how much) and multitude (how many), the two principal types of quantities, are further divided as mathematical and physical. In formal terms, quantities—their ratios, proportions, order and formal relationships of equality and inequality—are studied by mathematics.

Who has no unit since it is a ratio?

d) We can find a ratio in simplest form. Ratio has no unit .

Is ratio a pure number?

A ratio is a pure number, i.e., without any unit of measurement. The ratio would stay unaltered even if both the antecedent and the consequent are multiplied or divided by the same number.