Which publication is best for banking awareness?

Best Books for Banking Awareness Preparation:

Name of BOOK Author Publication
Banking Awareness Editorial team Arihant
Banking Awareness for SBI/IBPS Bank Clerk/PO/SO/RRB & RBI exams Disha Experts DishaPublications
Banking Awareness (Banking Aptitude Test) (BANK PO/OFFICERS EXAM) RPH Editorial Board Ramesh Publishing House

What should I study for banking awareness?

Banking Awareness Important Topics

  • Banking History and all the first in Banking.
  • RBI structure and Functions.
  • Types of Bank Accounts in India.
  • Non-Performing Assets (NPA)
  • Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act.

What is the syllabus of banking awareness?

Banking awareness is a part of the general awareness section in the bank exams. It comprises questions related to the history of banks in India, the Banking Institutions, banking terms and the functions and role of the banking industry in the financial system of the country.

How do you start banking awareness?

Read newspapers, latest magazines on Current Affairs, General Knowledge books, and books for Banking Awareness. For Current Affairs, you need to read newspapers and magazines on a daily basis. You can also read any latest yearbook by any top publication.

Which book is best for banking awareness for SBI PO?

Comprehensive Guide to SBI Bank PO Preliminary & Main Exam

Best Book for SBI PO Exam Preparation Author/Publication
Objective Question Bank of Computer Awareness for General Competitions Arihant
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
Banking Awareness RPH Editorial Board
Analytical Reasoning MK Pandey

Which book is best for banking preparation?

Manorama Yearbook.

  • Banking Awareness by B.K Publications.
  • Banking Awareness for Bank Clerk/PO/ SO/RRB/RBI Exams by Disha Experts.
  • Banking Awareness: The Complete Book for IBPS Bank Po and Clerk Examinations (Arihant)
  • Bank Clerk Preliminary Examination by Arihant.
  • Banking Awareness by Javed Siddiqui.
  • Is financial awareness and banking awareness are same?

    Financial Awareness includes Money Market, Financial News, and Trade-related matters, whereas Banking Awareness includes schemes of various banks, RBI circulars, Rules and Regulations set by RBI and banking-related matters.

    How do you prepare for banking and financial awareness?

    How to prepare for Banking Awareness?

    1. Topics like history, technology, banking terms, etc. must be learned well.
    2. The key is to revise on a daily basis.
    3. Try to appear for as many mock tests as you can.
    4. Keep yourself abreast with the current affairs associated with the banking sector.

    What is the syllabus for bank exams 2021?

    In this article, candidates will get to know the detailed bank exam syllabus for the exams scheduled to be conducted in the year 2021….Bank PO Syllabus.

    Bank Exam Syllabus
    Bank PO Syllabus Level of Exam Subjects
    IBPS PO Syllabus Preliminary Exam Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude English Language

    Is RS Agarwal good for IBPS PO?

    You can find the full list of IBPS PO books here. Quantitative Aptitude: “Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Agarwal” is considered the best book for quantitative aptitude for all IBPS exams. It is sufficient for the bank clerk examination.