Which plate is used in photoelectric effect?

The anode plate in an experiment on photoelectric effect is kept vertically above the cathode plate. Light source is put on and a saturation photocurrent is recorded. An electric field is switched on which has vertically downward direction.

What are the applications of photoelectric effect?

Applications of the photoelectric effect brought us “electric eye” door openers, light meters used in photography, solar panels and photostatic copying.

What are the properties of photoelectric effect?

It has three characteristics: (1) it is instantaneous, (2) it occurs only when the radiation is above a cut-off frequency, and (3) kinetic energies of photoelectrons at the surface do not depend of the intensity of radiation. The photoelectric effect cannot be explained by classical theory.

What is the purpose of photoelectric effect experiment?

The objectives of this experiment is to show that that light behaves like a particle when it interacts with matter, such as electrons on a metal surface. The associated phenomenon, called the photoelectric effect, is used to estimate the value of Planck’s constant h .

What is intensity in photoelectric effect?

The intensity affects the number of electrons, and the frequency affects the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons.

Who found photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect was discovered in 1887 by the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.

What is critical frequency in photoelectric effect?

The critical frequency of emitting photo – electrons from a metal surface is 5 × 10^14 sec^-1 .

What is light frequency?

Frequency of Light The visible light frequency is 400 THz to 700 THz, approximately. A THz is a Terahertz, which is a unit of frequency equal to one trillion Hertz.

What is threshold wavelength?

Solution : Threshold wavelength is the maximum wavelength of the incident radiation above which no photo emission takes place.