Which pictogram would the label of a chemical that may cause cancer display?

Health Hazard This pictogram is put on a chemical label when a substance presents these health hazards: Carcinogen–may cause cancer.

What does the pictogram represent?

What is a pictogram? Pictograms are graphic images that immediately show the user of a hazardous product what type of hazard is present. With a quick glance, you can see, for example, that the product is flammable, or if it might be a health hazard.

What type of hazards do pictograms represent?

The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires pictograms on labels to alert users of the chemical hazards to which they may be exposed. Each pictogram consists of a symbol on a white background framed within a red border and represents a distinct hazard(s).

Why is GHS important?

The intent of GHS is to ensure hazard classifications are consistent and standardized on an international level. This will help prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities while ensuring the safe use of chemicals from cradle to grave.

Why do you think the same hazard signs are used all over the world?

Each chemical has a different hazard. Some may be poisonous, cause burns, catch fire easily or even explode. To warn us of the hazards chemicals use hazard symbols. These symbols are used all over the world, so no matter what language its in you’ll understand the hazard.

What is the purpose of the 9 pictograms?

GHS Symbols The GHS system, part of OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), consists of nine symbols, or pictograms, providing recognition of the hazards associated with certain substances.

What is a pictograph chart?

A pictogram (also known as a pictograph or picto) is a chart or graph which uses pictures to represent data in a simple way. Each picture in the pictogram represents a physical object. They are set out the same way as a bar chart but use pictures instead of bars. Each picture could represent one item or more than one.

Which pictogram represents materials that are fatal or toxic?

Skull and Crossbones pictogram
Skull and Crossbones pictogram is used for hazardous products that can cause death or acute toxicity if inhaled, swallowed or through skin contact, even in small amounts.

How many pictograms are used in the GHS system?

nine pictograms
The pictograms OSHA has adopted improve worker safety and health, conform with the GHS, and are used worldwide. While the GHS uses a total of nine pictograms, OSHA will only enforce the use of eight. The environmental pictogram is not mandatory but may be used to provide additional information.

What is the symbol for hazardous material?

Skull and Crossbones: Substances, such as poisons and highly concentrated acids, which have an immediate and severe toxic effect (acute toxicity).

What do the symbols on a pictogram mean?

With a quick glance, you can see, for example, that the product is flammable, or if it might be a health hazard. Most pictograms have a distinctive red “square set on one of its points” border. Inside this border is a symbol that represents the potential hazard (e.g., fire, health hazard, corrosive, etc.).

What is a pictogram on a chemical label?

The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires pictograms on labels to alert users of the chemical hazards to which they may be exposed. Each pictogram consists of a symbol on a white background framed within a red border and represents a distinct hazard (s).

What can you see in a pictogram?

With a quick glance, you can see, for example, that the product is flammable, or if it might be a health hazard. Most pictograms have a distinctive red “square set on one of its points” border.

What are hazard pictograms and why are they important?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) began requiring chemical manufacturers to label dangerous materials with hazard pictograms in June of 2015. The standard helps decrease the risk of injuries, illnesses and accidents caused by exposure to certain chemicals.