Which of these is an example of Underextension?

Underextension occurs when the child uses the word ball in reference to only their specific individual ball and not use it as a term for all balls. Another example would be a child using the word cat for only their family’s lone pet cat instead of using it to apply to all cats.

What is an example of fast mapping?

An example of fast mapping occurs when a child uses a familiar word to figure out an unfamiliar word. If someone shows a child a picture of a dog and a picture of a platypus, and then they are asked to point to the platypus, they should know what it is simply by knowing what the dog is.

What is the difference between Underextension and overextension?

Overextension refers to applying a word more narrowly than it is usually applied, and underextension refers to applying a word too broadly.

What is overextension child development?

n. the tendency of very young children to extend the use of a word beyond the scope of its specific meaning, such as by referring to all animals as “doggie.” Compare underextension.

Which is an example of an Underextension quizlet?

An overly restricted meaning to words. What is an example on under-extension? Animals don’t include insects, reptiles and human.

What does the term Underextension refer to in linguistics?

n. the incorrect restriction of the use of a word, which is a mistake commonly made by young children acquiring language. For example, a child may believe that the label dog applies only to Fido, the family pet. Compare overextension.

What is fast mapping in kids?

Fast mapping is a rapid process by which children hear a word and connect it with a general understanding of the concept (Carey & Bartlett, 1978). This often occurs when talking to a child about their immediate environment and labeling the objects in this environment.

How does fast mapping help children learn new words?

Children may be able to gain at least partial information about the meaning of a word from how it is used in a sentence, what words it is contrasted with, as well as other factors. This strategy, known as fast mapping, may allow the child to quickly hypothesize about the meaning of a word.

What is an example of overextension?

Overextension occurs when a categorical term (a word used to describe a group of things) is used in language to represent more categories than it actually does. This happens in particular with very young children. An example is when a child refers to all animals as ‘doggie’ or refers to a lion as a ‘kitty.

What is Underextension error?

What is an example of over extension?

What are the 3 types of overextension?

Overextensions were classified into three types: categorical overinclusions, analogical overextensions and predicate statements.