Which of the following are potential side effects of metaproterenol?

Side Effects

  • Shaking, headache, nervousness, tiredness, dizziness, upset stomach, nausea, trouble sleeping or diarrhea may occur.
  • Remember that this medication has been prescribed because your doctor has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.

Why was Alupent discontinued?

Alupent MDI uses CFCs as a propellant (as do other currently marketed MDIs). Boehringer Ingelheim continues to assure patients and physicians that this discontinuation is in response to the Montreal Protocol, not because of safety concerns for patients.

How is Alupent administered?

Alupent Dosage and Administration The usual single dose is two to three inhalations. With repetitive dosing, inhalation should usually not be repeated more often than about every three to four hours. Total dosage per day should not exceed 12 inhalations.

Is metaproterenol long acting?

Examples include albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin, Xopenex), pirbuterol (Maxair), and metaproterenol (Alupent). The effect of a dose of these medicines wears off after 3-4 hours; they are quick-acting, but their benefit is of short duration.

Is Alupent still used?

Alupent (metaproterenol sulfate) Aerosol is a bronchodilator used to treat conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. The brand name Alupent is discontinued, but generic versions may be available.

When was Alupent discontinued?

Inhaler Medicine Last Date to be manufactured, sold or dispensed in U.S.
Alupent Inhalation Aerosol (metaproterenol) June 14, 2010
Azmacort Inhalation Aerosol (triamcinolone) December 31, 2010
Intal Inhaler (cromolyn) December 31, 2010
Aerobid Inhaler System (flunisolide) June 30, 2011

Is Alupent short or long acting?

What are side effects of bronchodilators?

General side effects of bronchodilators include:

  • trembling, particularly in the hands.
  • headaches.
  • a dry mouth.
  • suddenly noticeable heartbeats (palpitations)
  • muscle cramps.
  • a cough.
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • diarrhoea.