Which NFL QB has the best winning percentage?

Tom Brady
Tom Brady has the best winning percentage by a quarterback when playing 200+ games, winning 76.4 percent of the time.

Is QB winning stat?

The Case for Wins as a Team Stat. If a quarterback’s performance is the key factor in determining wins, as we are often directly or indirectly led to believe by media focus on quarterback performance, then you would expect that performance to be consistent with winning percentage. But such is not the case.

What is the average NFL QB completion percentage?

The average completion percentage in the league this season is 65.2, equaling last season’s all-time high. Ten years ago, it was 60.1. Twenty years ago, it was 59.0. Thirty years ago, it was 57.4.

What’s Tom Brady’s winning percentage?

Tom Brady has won 76.4 percent of the time in his career.

Tom Brady 318 .764

What is Dak Prescott winning percentage?

Dak Prescott had a record of 13-3 in his rookie season in 2016.

Dak Prescott 2017 .563
Dak Prescott 2018 .625
Dak Prescott 2019 .500
Dak Prescott 2020 .400

What is Jimmy G win percentage?

Jimmy Garoppolo has won 71.4 percent of the time in his career.

Jimmy Garoppolo 63 .714

What is Tom Brady’s winning percentage?

Tom Brady has a win percentage of . 764 in his career.

Tom Brady 318 .764

Whats a good QB completion percentage?

Top 25 single-season completion percentage leaders

Rank Player Completion %
1 Drew Brees 74.4%
2 Drew Brees (2) 74.3%
3 Drew Brees (3) 72.0%
4 Sam Bradford 71.6%

What’s a good QB completion percentage?

Football – Leading Season Pass Completion Percent Record Holders

Rank Player Completion Percent
1 Drew Brees 74.4%
2 Drew Brees 74.3%
3 Drew Brees 72.0%
4 Sam Bradford 71.6%

Which QB has the most wins?


Rank Quarterback Career wins
1 * Tom Brady 243
2 ^ Brett Favre 186
^ Peyton Manning 186
4 Drew Brees 172