Which masala is used in Kurkure?

BudhRam Kurkure Masala (100 g)

Brand BudhRam
Organic Yes
Cuisine Indian
Ingredients Onion powder,chilli powder,amchur,corindar seed powder,ginger powder,black pepper powder,salt,black salt,tomato powder,sugar,citric acid.
Regional Speciality Uttar Pradesh

What are the ingredients of Kurkure?

Rice meal, Edible vegetable oil, corn meal, gram meal, **Spices and Condiments (Onion powder, Chilli powder, Amchur, Coriander seed powder, Ginger powder, Garlic powder, Black pepper powder, Turmeric powder, Spices extracts, Fenugreek Leaf powder), Salt, Black Salt, Tomato Powder, Sugar, Citric Acid, Tartaric Acid.

Is Kurkure made of plastic?

“The myth that Kurkure contains plastic has been proven untrue over a period of time. Kurkure, like any other snack made from rice and papad will burn. We are concerned with fake news continuing to spread,” said Sandipan Ghatak, a corporate communications associate at PepsiCo India.

Is Kurkure fried or baked?

Kurkure was launched in India in 1999 and is a type of corn puffs which are made by mixing different grain meals like corn meal, gram meal, rice meal, spices and condiments. It is a fried snack and easily available in every nook and cranny in India.

Is kurkure Puffcorn fried?

The product is consumed mostly by kids and young adults and often in large quantities. A high salt/starch/fat food like this if eaten in large quantities, can cause the onset of childhood obesity in kids and lifestyle diseases in adults. Kurkure is a deep fried product and uses an unspecified vegetable oil.

How many calories are in a packet of kurkure?

There are 83 calories in 1 serving (15 g) of Kurkure Puffcorn.

Is Kurkure harmful for health?

The Kurkure manufacturing unit undergoes regular audits from recognized national and international food health organizations. So, this product does not contain plastic and it is safe!

Does Kurkure contain pig fat?

Kurkure has no pig fat in it. It is made from completely vegetarian ingredients such as rice, corn, grams, oil and spices.

How harmful is Kurkure?

Kurkure, a junkie in the food world affects the functionality of your brain. It stops you from thinking logically, which leads people towards dumb decisions, frustration, and depression.

Is puffcorn harmful?

The product is consumed mostly by kids and young adults and often in large quantities. A high salt/starch/fat food like this if eaten in large quantities, can cause the onset of childhood obesity in kids and lifestyle diseases in adults.