Which items in the British Museum are stolen?

In addition to the Rosetta Stone, the content discusses Australia’s Gweagal Shield, India’s Amaravati Marbles, Iraq’s Ashurbanipal reliefs, Nigeria’s Benin Bronzes, Ghana’s Akan Drum, Greece’s Parthenon Marbles, Rapa Nui’s Hoa Hakananai’a, Jamaica’s Birdman and Boinayel figures, and China’s Summer Palace.

How many stolen items does the British Museum have?

The British Museum is among 160 institutions worldwide to hold some of the 10,000 items stolen from Benin, which was annexed by the British Empire into what is now southern Nigeria, after a violent invasion by an expeditionary force of 1,200 personnel.

What things British took from India?

8 Valuable Things The British Stole From India And The World

  • Koh-i-Noor. Koh-i-Noor belonged to the famous Mughal Peacock Throne of Allaudin Khalji.
  • Elgin Marbles.
  • Ethiopian Manuscripts.
  • Benin Bronzes.
  • Seeds of Hevea Brasiliensis.
  • Rosetta Stone.
  • The Ring of Tipu Sultan.
  • Wine Cup of Shah Jahan.

Should museums return their colonial artefacts?

Returning cultural objects which were obtained under colonial regimes to their countries of origin does not make up for the destruction of colonialism. Most objects in museums and collections, at the time of their acquisition, were legally obtained and therefore have no reason to be repatriated.

What is the oldest artifact in the British Museum?

Olduvai stone chopping tool
Made nearly two million years ago, stone tools such as this are the first known technological invention. This one is the oldest objects in the British Museum. It comes from an early human campsite in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.

Is the British Museum ethical?

The British Museum promotes a culture of honesty and integrity in research and expects and requires its researchers to adhere to the highest standards of research integrity. To facilitate this, a code of good research practice has been produced.

What are some disputed items that are on display in the British Museum?

Collection statements

  • Benin Bronzes.
  • Human remains.
  • Maqdala collection.
  • Moai.