Which is the national Programme for the prevention of tuberculosis?
Which is the national Programme for the prevention of tuberculosis?
The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), based on the internationally recommended Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy, was launched in 1997 expanded across the country in a phased manner with support from World Bank and other development partners.
What is the goal of the National Tuberculosis Control Programme?
The National TB Control Program (NTP) aims to reduce mortality and incidence from tuberculosis in the country, reduce catastrophic costs and provide patient-responsive health services.
Which year national tuberculosis program for TB control in India was?
PIP: In 1962, the government of India launched a National Tuberculosis Control Program to detect as many tuberculosis cases as possible, provide effective treatment, establish district tuberculosis centers, extend short-course chemotherapy, and strengthen existing state tuberculosis training and demonstration centers.
What is TB prevention and control program?
CHFS-Overview. The state TB prevention program aims to eliminate TB as a public health issue by coordinating and focusing disease-control activities on three main goals: Rendering all individuals with active TB disease as non-infectious. Ensuring all individuals with latent TB infection remain non-infectious.
What is the new name of Rntcp?
It is no longer known as the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), and has been rechristened as the National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP). The change in name is in line with the larger goal of eliminating the disease by 2025, five years ahead of the Sustainable Development Goals target.
When did the national TB program start in 1960?
The National TB Programme (NTP) was launched by the Government of India in 1962 in the form of District TB Centre model involved with BCG vaccination and TB treatment. In 1978, BCG vaccination was shifted under the Expanded Programme on Immunisation.
What is the importance of National tuberculosis Program and TB DOTS?
NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS PROGRAM. The DRMC TB-DOTS clinic is a diagnostic and therapeutic unit that caters patients diagnosed with TB or suspected of having TB. The Directly Observed Treatment Strategy (DOTS) is the most effective approach in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of TB.
Is NTEP and RNTCP same?
How many types of DOTS are there?
Directly Observed Treatment, Short- course (DOTS) is the most effective way to ensure cure. There are three categories of treatment: Categories I, II and III and each has an Intensive Phase and Continuation Phase. During the Intensive Phase, you must directly observe the patient swallowing every dose of medicine.
What are the five main components of DOTS?
Abstract. Directly Observed Therapy Shortcourse (DOTS) is composed of five distinct elements: political commitment; microscopy services; drug supplies; surveillance and monitoring systems and use of highly efficacious regimens; and direct observation of treatment.