Which is the latest agriculture census in India?

The Census also provides basis for development of a comprehensive integrated national system of agricultural statistics. So far, nine Agriculture Censuses since 1970-71 have been conducted in the country. The current Agriculture Census with reference year 2015-16 is tenth in the series.

When was the first agricultural census conducted in India?

OUR HISTORY Our journey through the years has been full of milestones, growth and dedication. India’s first ever comprehensive Agricultural Census was carried out with the agricultural year 1970-71 as the reference.

Which state is No 2 in agriculture in India?

2. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh comes under the top farming state in India and the rank of Uttar Pradesh counted under major state wise crop production in India, bajra, rice, sugarcane, food grains, and many more. It comes under the top wheat producing states in India, followed by Haryana, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh.

How many farmers are there in India in 2021?

In short, India officially has anywhere from 90 million-plus to almost 150 million farmers.

What is 10th Agriculture Census?

Agriculture Census with reference year 2015-16 is tenth in the series. Being the ultimate unit for taking agriculture-related decisions, operational holding has been taken as statistical unit at micro-level for. data collection. During Phase-I of the Agriculture Census, data on primary.

When was the first census of agriculture?

The census of agriculture originated as part of the 1820 census, when U.S. marshals began to ask how many people within each household were engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1840, marshals began using separate census schedules to collect data related to agriculture.

What is the largest farming state in India?

Uttar Pradesh

Crop Category State Ranks Total Production
Food grains (million tonnes) 1. Uttar Pradesh 43.2
2. Punjab 26.9
3. Madhya Pradesh 16.0
All India 218.1

Which state has highest farmer in India?

Uttar Pradesh is India’s top farming state, with considerable state-level crop production including bajra, rice, sugarcane, food grains, and many others. It ranks first among India’s wheat-producing states, ahead of Haryana, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh.