Which is the closest synonym for the word coordinator?


  • administrator.
  • adviser.
  • organizer.
  • supervisor.

How do you write coordinator?

or co-or·di·na·tor.

Is Coordinatorship a word?

View American English definition of coordinator….coordinator ​Definitions and Synonyms.

singular coordinator
plural coordinators

What do you mean by coordinator?

Definition of coordinator 1 : one who coordinates something … government becomes the coordinator of the economy but not its boss.— Robert Heilbroner especially : a person who organizes people or groups so that they work together efficiently a project coordinator She served as the coordinator of the rescue effort. (

Is it co-ordinate or coordinate?

Co-ordinate is the exact same word as coordinate. As an adjective they can mean to be the same standing or rank, relating to coordination, or relating to an intersection of indices. As a verb it means for things to work or flow smoothly as a group, or to cause things to work or flow smoothly together as a group.

What is a conjoining?

: to join together (things, such as separate entities) for a common purpose. intransitive verb. : to join together for a common purpose.

Is Advisorship a word?

noun. The office or position of an adviser. Also (occasionally) with possessive adjective: a mock title of respect for an adviser.

Is coordinate one word?

Do you need a hyphen in coordinate? The hyphen has dropped out of coordinate, but co-ordinate is not wrong. Hyphens tend to drop out over time when words are used together a lot. Use a modern dictionary as your guide.

Is it a co ordinator or coordinator?

someone whose job is to make different groups work together in an organized way to achieve something: We’ve just appointed a coordinator who will oversee the whole project. He is recycling coordinator for the county. She is the co-ordinator of the upcoming state visit.

Do conjoined twins exist?

Conjoined twins occur when, in the early stages of development, an embryo only partially separates to form two babies. Conjoined twins are rare, occurring in about one out of every 200,000 live births, experts say.