Which is correct you too or too you?

You too is the correct version because it means you are referring that person with some conversation. You to is the irregular form of the word and it is not used in mentioning people in any kind of conversation.

Is it rude to say same to you?

It’s quite common in English to respond “Same to you!” if someone, for example, makes a rude gesture at you. If someone greets you with “Good morning,” it’s best to respond with a “Thanks, same to you,” if you’re going to use “same to you.”

What is the difference between same to you and same too you?

When someone greets you “Happy New Year!” you may quickly—and acceptably—reply: “Same to you!” It means: “I wish you the same.” The correct answer will be: “Same to you.” You cannot say: “Same too you.” That only applies to when you compare It with something else.

How do you reply to Greetings?

The response is still the same: Fine, thanks. At the most informal level, among friends and particularly among young people, the most common greeting would probably be: Hi! to which the response is: Hi!

How do you say same to you formally?

Depends on the context, but if it’s an informal discussion, you can say,

  1. “Same to you.”
  2. “You too.”
  3. “Right back at you.”
  4. “I feel the same.”
  5. “The feeling is mutual.”
  6. “Happy [whatever] to you too.”
  7. “Thanks, and same to you.”
  8. “I wish the best to you too.”

How do you reply to you too?

“You too” is perfectly fine also and said frequently. You could say “Likewise, that was fun”. “You too” is perfectly fine also and said frequently.

What is the different between to and too?

“Too” is an adverb. It can be used to replace words such as “excessively”, “additionally”, “as well” or “also”. “To”, on the other hand, is a versatile preposition that can be used in various situations and contexts. It’s used to indicate a direction, like “toward” and “until”.

What do you mean by same to you?

Definition of the same to you —used to return a greeting or insult “Merry Christmas!” “(And) the same to you!””Go to hell!” “The same to you!”

How do you reply to a greeting message?

The most common way of greeting someone both at an informal level and more formally would be: Hello! How are you? to which the standard reply is: Very well, thank you. or: Fine, thank you.

How do you wish someone back?