Which district has the highest population in Botswana?

List of cities in Botswana

Rank Name Male Population
1. Gaborone 113,580
2. Francistown 48,124
3. Molepolole 34,115
4. Maun 31,633

Which district is the largest in Botswana?

Central The Central district
Central. The Central district is one of the nine districts of Botswana. It is the largest district in the country in terms of both its surface area and population.

What are the 10 districts in Botswana?


  • Central District.
  • Chobe District.
  • Ghanzi District.
  • Kgalagadi District.
  • Kgatleng District.
  • Kweneng District.
  • North-East District.
  • North-West District/Ngamiland District.

How many districts are there in Botswana?

Botswana is divided into ten (10) administrative districts.

What are the 5 major cities in Botswana?

It is a mid-sized country populated by only around 2 million people. 10% of the Botswana’s population inhabits its largest city of Gaborone….The Biggest Cities In Botswana.

Rank City Population
2 Francistown 89,979
3 Molepolole 63,248
4 Selebi-Phikwe 53,727
5 Maun 49,945

What percentage of Botswana is black?

Botswana is home to a number of ethnic groups including the Tswana 79%, Kalanga 11%, Basarwa 3%, and Kgalagadi 3% (2007 est). White Africans make up about 3% of the population.

How many villages are there in Botswana?

Travelers are voting Gabane, Beetsha and Gamabuo as the best of 167 towns & villages in Botswana.

How is Gaborone divided?

Gabs West is sub-divided into Phases 1, 2, 4 and industrial. The Blocks – to the west of the railway line, outside the Western Bypass. The blocks number 5 – 10 running south to north (although Block 9 is an outlier being the southern most of the blocks, and there is a Block 3 directly north of the downtown area).

How many states is Botswana?

Botswana is divided into 10 administrative districts plus two cities and five towns. These are administered by 16 local authorities (district councils, city councils or town councils).

Is Botswana a poor country?

A small, landlocked country of two million people, Botswana was one of the poorest countries in Africa with a per capita GDP of about US$70 when it gained independence from Britain in 1966.

How many villages are in Botswana?

Why is Botswana population so low?

Population density is low due to the harsh climate of the Kalahari desert, at 2.6 people per square kilometer (6.7 people per square mile).