Which countries have the highest income inequality?

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Wealth Inequality (World Bank Gini index):

  • Suriname – 57.9%
  • Zambia – 57.1%
  • Sao Tome and Principe – 56.3%
  • Central African Republic – 56.2%
  • Eswatini – 54.6%
  • Mozambique – 54.0%
  • Brazil – 53.4%
  • Botswana – 53.3%

What country has the lowest income inequality?

Top 10 Countries with the Lowest Income Inequality (Gini %):

  • Belarus — 24.4.
  • Armenia — 25.2.
  • Czech Republic — 25.3.
  • Ukraine — 25.6.
  • United Arab Emirates — 26.0.
  • Moldova — 26.0.
  • Iceland — 26.1.
  • Azerbaijan — 26.6.

What is the inequality between countries?

Inequalities are not only driven and measured by income, but are determined by other factors – gender, age, origin, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, class, and religion. These factors determine inequalities of opportunity which continue to persist, within and between countries.

What is the most equitable country?

GEI dimension values: the 10 most equitable countries

Denmark 100 59
Iceland 99 58
New Zealand 100 57
Netherlands 100 63

What country has the best income equality?

The country with the most egalitarian economy in the world is Norway. And it is also positively: it distributes its wealth upward, not downward. Its high rent per capita allows the Scandinavian country to implement policies aimed at redistributing wealth.

Is U.S. income more equally distributed than world income?

Americans have the highest income inequality in the rich world and over the past 20–30 years Americans have also experienced the greatest increase in income inequality among rich nations.

Is income inequality rising around the world?

Indeed, while over the last two decades global inequalities between countries have declined, income inequality has increased within most countries. The average income gap between the top 10% and bottom 50% of individuals within countries has almost doubled across that time period, the report found.

What is the most feminist country?

Sweden. Sweden leads the pack in self-identifying feminist with 46% of the women in that country giving the nod to that description. Considered the gold standard of gender parity, Sweden’s equal opportunity in employment, health care, and a litany of social safety protections.

What is the fairest country?

Even though Norway is the fairest country in the world, these numbers emphasize the need for further reforms.