Which cars have active grill shutters?

Active grille shutters can be found on vehicles ranging from the Ford Focus and Chevrolet Cruze to Cadillac’s new ATS, the latest Dodge Dart and the Ram 1500. They are mounted ahead of the vehicle’s radiator. When fully closed, these shutters divert air around the vehicle instead of through the engine compartment.

How much does an active grill shutter cost?

How Much Does an Active Grille Shutter Replacement Cost? Active grille shutters can cost anywhere from $100 to $400 for the parts alone. Design and kit inclusions can affect this part’s pricing. Labor costs may depend on your location, so it may be best to ask your local repair shop for a quote.

What is Active Grill Shutter performance?

Active grille shutter (AGS) in a vehicle provides aerodynamic benefit at high vehicle speed by closing the front-end grille opening. At the same time this causes lesser air flow through the cooling module which includes the condenser. This results in higher refrigerant pressure at the compressor outlet.

What is Subaru active grille Shutter?

Frame Active Grille. PB001677 ACTV G A SHTR. An assembly used to block air flow from entering to vehicle’s radiator, to maintain optimal engine temperatures.

Do I need active grille shutters?

Whilst the primary function of the active grille shutters is to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the car, there are some secondary benefits like improving the warm up time of engine and also retaining engine heat when parked.

At what speed range is active grille shutter generally closed?

approximately 19-88 MPH
The ECM operates the shutter to the closed position when all the conditions of the active grille shutter are met: Vehicle speed – approximately 19-88 MPH (30 – 140 km/h)

Do you need active grill shutters?

How do you test an active grill shutter motor?

The active grille shutter actuator is equipped with a self-diagnosis function….To verify operation, perform a calibration to command the shutter system to fully open and fully close with CONSULT.

  1. Start the engine.
  2. Select “ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTER” in the “ACTIVE TEST” mode of “ENGINE” using CONSULT.
  3. Touch “CALIBRTN.”

What does an active air shutter do?

How does an Active Grille Shutter work? Open shutters allow air to flow through the radiator and into the engine compartment to promote cooling. When cooling air is not needed, the shutters close, rerouting air around the vehicle to reduce aerodynamic drag and fuel consumption.

What benefit should you point out to a customer about active grille shutter?

When fully closed, the reduction in drag can reduce CO2 emissions by close to 2%. An additional benefit of the Active Grille Shutter system is that it keeps the vanes closed as long as possible during a cold start, so the engine reaches its most efficient operating temperature quicker with reduced warm up time.

Do I need active grill shutters?