Which BioShock ending is better?

Good Ending / Bad Ending If you choose to “harvest” more than one little sister, you will get the bad BioShock ending. If, however, you “harvest” no more than one little sister but “rescue” the others, you will get the good BioShock ending.

What is BioShock 2 Ending?

In the good ending, Eleanor will use her Big Sister needle to absorb Delta’s ADAM and conscience so that they can be together forever, with Delta guiding Eleanor’s actions and drives. In the bad ending, she will brutally harvest Delta’s essence and ADAM, heralding the birth of a monster.

Is there a way for both Leo and Vincent to survive?

A Way Out has two possible endings, one for Leo and one for Vincent. After the major betrayal in Chapter 5: Conflict, Vincent and Leo must turn against one another and fight for survival, causing the two co-op players to do the same.

Which BioShock ending is canon?

This ending is considered canon in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. If the player harvests one or more Little Sister, Jack turns on the Little Sisters to harvest their ADAM. Tenenbaum sadly narrates what occurs, condemning Jack and his actions.

How do you get the secret ending in BioShock?

Get the best ending by rescuing ALL the Little Sisters. To achieve the Best Ending, every single one of the 21 Little Sisters must be rescued. To rescue a Little Sister, approach her after you have defeated her Big Daddy guardian. She will most likely be crying over his body and will not run away.

How many endings are in BioShock?

Upon its 2007 release, BioShock felt like a revolution, or at least the start of one. The complexity of its decision-making approach was basic to say the least; the game only branched into two endings.

How many endings are there in BioShock?

What happens if Vincent kills Leo?

Endings. There are two ways it can end for Vincent, the player can either choose to keep Vincent alive but this, however, results in the death of Leo. Or the player can decide that Vincent dies instead. The First ending, where Vincent lives, shows Vincent shooting Leo in the chest, killing him.

Where did Leo go after A Way Out?

In the end, if Vincent reaches the gun on the rooftop first, he takes aim and shoots Leo in the chest. He rests against a metal pole and after one last firm handshake with Vincent, he succumbs to his gunshot wound and dies. His body was later retrieved and buried.