Where was Phoebe pyncheon raised?

Phoebe is Hepzibah and Clifford’s 17-year-old cousin. She grew up in the country, outside the Pyncheon family orbit, and she takes after her mother with her enterprising, capable ways.

What happens to judge pyncheon estate?

There he sits down in the parlor on the chair where Colonel Pyncheon is supposed to have died, and suddenly he has a stroke. His abrupt death leaves Hepzibah and Clifford free to leave the House of the Seven Gables at last. With Judge Pyncheon’s death and Phoebe’s marriage to Mr.

Who is Alice pyncheon?

In many ways Alice Pyncheon is Phoebe’s double in the Pyncheon family history. She is a lovely young girl, the great-granddaughter of Colonel Pyncheon, who does her best to cheer up the gloomy House of the Seven Gables.

Why does Phoebe stay with Hepzibah?

Phoebe’s branch of the family lost contact with the other Pyncheons until she comes to stay with Clifford and Hepzibah after her mother, a widow, remarried. During Phoebe’s visit, Hepzibah finds her to be cheerful, hard-working and good at taking care of the cent-shop.

Who Killed Judge Pyncheon in House of the Seven Gables?

“WHO KILLED JUDGE PYNCHEON?” cousin, who has returned to the house after a thirty-year imprisonment for murder. Indeed, it is because of this ghost-like appearance that Marks singles Clifford out as the man who “killed” Judge Pyncheon.

Who is Colonel pyncheon?

Colonel Pyncheon is the founder of the Pyncheon family in Massachusetts. He is a rich, well-respected man, equally admired by Puritan clergymen and government types alike. No one will say a bad word about him – in public.

Who is Uncle Venner?

Uncle Venner is Hepzibah’s neighbor, a fixture on Pyncheon Street. He’s an old, wrinkled, nearly toothless man, and he does odd jobs in the neighborhood to support himself, also collecting scraps for his pet pig. He has a poetic sort of wisdom that belies his simple, ragged exterior.

Why has Hepzibah opened a penny store in one of the gables of the house and why is this significant?

Why has Hepzibah opened a penny store in one of the gables of the house and why is this significant? She had to open the store to make money to support her brother, herself and the house. It is significant because it reinforces the theme of appearance vs.

What is the Pyncheon curse?

Of course, the legend goes that Matthew Maule put a curse on Colonel Pyncheon, that “God will give him blood to drink!” (1.4). When Colonel Pyncheon is found dead on the day of his housewarming party while sitting under his own portrait, the story of Maule’s prophecy really starts to take hold.

Who is Hepzibah pyncheon?

Hepzibah Pyncheon of The House of the Seven Gables is “an old maid” caught between the world of gentility and the world of practicality. Her former status is dependent upon wealth (which no longer belongs to her) and a legacy of belonging to a leading family in Salem.

Who was Phoebe’s father in the House of Seven Gables?

Phoebe is a country cousin of Hepzibah and Clifford. She’s the daughter of someone named Arthur (a brother of Hepzibah and Clifford’s, maybe?). So she’s a Pyncheon, but she’s been raised blissfully far away from the gloomy influence of the House of the Seven Gables.

Is the house of Seven Gables a true story?

An active captain during the Great Age of Sail, Ingersoll died at sea leaving the property to his daughter Susanna, a cousin of famed author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne’s visits to his cousin’s home are credited with inspiring the setting and title of his 1851 novel, The House of the Seven Gables.