Where is the water valve screen?

It is typically located right behind the washer. There may be two valves that supply hot and cold water to the washing machine inlets. Step Four: Carefully unscrew the hoses with a set of pliers to remove them from the water supply. Have a bucket on hand to catch any water that may drip from the hoses.

What is the inlet valve filter on a washing machine?

If your washing machine fills with a slow trickle, you might need a fill/inlet valve. But chances are you have a simpler problem: plugged inlet screens. These screens catch debris in the water supply and protect a washer’s internal parts.

Do washing machine hoses have screens?

Washer water inlet hoses have screens that capture debris in the water supply. Some GE Appliance washers will also have screens or plugs located inside the Hot and Cold water inlet valve connections on the back of the washer.

How do I know if my inlet valve is bad?

Signs pointing to a faulty inlet valve include:

  1. Leaks that fill the dishwasher when it’s off.
  2. Inadequate water for a cycle.
  3. A bad inlet valve can lead to leaks from the dishwasher onto the kitchen floor.
  4. Most inlet valve malfunctions stem from a defective seal or solenoid failure.

Can you clean a washer inlet valve?

There is little that you can do to repair the valve itself, but you can clean the two inlet ports to restore full water flow. You can also test the valve to determine whether it has failed. Replacing a bad valve is a simple job and must be done with parts and procedures that are specific to your washing machine model.

How do I know if my washing machine water inlet valve is bad?

Place each of the meter’s probes to one terminal. Because the reading can vary from brand to brand and from model to model, there is no one reading you should receive. However, if your test produces a reading of infinity, then the solenoid is bad and the water valve should be replaced.