Where is the treasure chest on Mount Anthor?

Mount Anthor is the only dragon lair with no treasure chest.

How do you get to the dragon in Mount Anthor?

The fastest way is to fast travel to Saarthal and walk directly south. By climbing higher up the mountain, the Dragonborn will eventually reach Mount Anthor summit. This area will be inhabited by two spellcasters (level dependent on that of the Dragonborn), if approached before completing the quest “Dragon Rising.”

How do I get to Mount Anthor in Skyrim?

Mount Anthor is a Dragon Location in North Eastern Skyrim. You can find it high in the mountains South of Winterhold. The easiest way to reach it is by fast travelling to Saarthal and travelling directly South from there.

What word of power is at Mount Anthor?

Mount Anthor is a Dragon Lair and the location of a word wall located south-west of the Shrine of Azura, almost due north of Yorgrim Overlook. It is guarded by a Dragon. The word wall here contains one of the words of power for the Ice Form shout. There is also an alchemy lab there.

Can you clear Fort kastav?

The fort will be taken over by whoever wins the civil war, or by the faction currently holding Winterhold if the player first clears it of warlocks and skeletons.

Where is the ice form shout?

The word walls for the Ice Form shout are found in three locations: Frostmere Crypt, Mount Anthor, and Saarthal. Frostmere Crypt is a Nordic Ruin just southwest of Dawnstar in The Pale, while Mount Anthor is an outdoor Dragon Lair just west of Winterhold and the Shrine of Azura.

Should I give malur Seloth the staff?

Bring the staff to Malur Seloth Take the staff back to Malur Seloth to be rewarded with +1 in Speech. It can be pickpocketed back from Malur Seloth and used as a normal staff.

Is Fort greenwall Clearable?

Fort Greenwall is a large fort south-southeast of Shor’s Stone, northwest of Riften, initially occupied by bandits….Skyrim:Fort Greenwall.

Military Fort: Fort Greenwall (view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 4
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 6

What is in stillborn cave?

Taking the tunnel to the west, the tunnel turns to the north before opening into a cave with a magic-using Falmer that favors frost magic and another leveled chaurus. At the rear of the cave is a Falmer tent containing an unlocked chest, a Falmer shield, and a human skull.

Which is better frost breath or Ice Form?

Frost Breath with the black book power “Dragonborn Frost”. Its makes it an incredibly useful shout, better than Ice Form. The target stays frozen while you’re attacking and the cool down time is much shorter. Fire Breath is cool at lower levels but doesn’t really do all that much damage at higher levels.

What happens if I steal the Staff of Arcane Authority?

Class. The Staff of Arcane Authority is a staff found in Winterhold, Skyrim. A miscellaneous quest requires the Dragonborn to steal this for Malur Seloth, who will increase the Dragonborn’s Speech skill in return.