Where is the stash of wine on Solstheim?

The stash of Emberbrand Wine is located near the abandoned house, in a barrel between the two ruined houses. Return to Captain Veloth after finding the stash. The reward is 250-2000 gold.

Where is the Ember brand wine in Raven Rock?

Location. Head west from Raven Rock. Go past the blacksmith and the Abandoned Building. The wine is in the first barrel on the left side of the road out of town following the wall, in between the ruins of two collapsed buildings.

Who can I give Sadri’s Sujamma to?

Distribute ten jars of Sadri’s Sujamma to citizens of Raven Rock. Return to Sadri at the Retching Netch to receive your reward.

Is Tilisu a Severin?

Tilisu Severin is a female Dunmer from the Dragonborn DLC. She is the wife of Vendil and the mother of Mirri….

Tilisu Severin
Gender Female
Location Raven Rock
Contains Severin Manor Key

What is Sujamma made from?

Mazte is probably rice wine and Sujamma could really be just wine. Well wine mixed with shoe polish and sulfuric acid.

Can you buy a horse in Raven Rock?

No, Solstheim doesn’t have a place to get a horse. However, there are several workshop options and an ingame option.

Can I buy a house in Skaal village?

Adds a home in the skaal village that can be purchased and upgraded! You can purchase the key and upgrades from Fanari Strong-Voice in the great hall.

How do I get firebrand wine?

Another Firebrand Wine Case can be found in the Temple of the Divines in Castle Dour. Enter on the first floor, turn left after moving past the benches, then head down the stairs. Once at the bottom, turn left again and open the door. At the base of the bed is a wine case, although it must be stolen to be obtained.

How do I steal a case of firebrand wine in Skyrim?

You will need to bribe him in order to get information. He will ask you to steal a case of firebrand wine for his client which can be stolen from the Blue Palace. If you have a high enough speech skill you can get past the bribe. It is recommended that you have a speech skill of 50 or higher.