Where is the Keepy Uppy beach ball?

The Keepie-Uppy Beach Ball will be located in the swimming pool from the first house on the right, after entering the Starfish Island from the starting island. After reaching the swimming pool you will need to walk into the ball. This will launch the ball into the air.

What properties should I buy in GTA Vice City?

15 Best GTA Vice City Properties & Assets You Can Buy

  • Cherry Poppers Ice Cream Factory.
  • Print Works.
  • Hyman Condo.
  • Links View Apartments.
  • Ocean Heights Apartment.
  • 1102 Washington Street.
  • Skumhole Shack.
  • 3321 Vice Point. Rough and ready, 3321 Vice Point is probably the first property you’ll want to get your hands on.

Where is the beach ball in Vice City?

The beach balls only spawn in two locations in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Starfish Island and Vice City Beach. At the island, players will find the ball either by the swimming pool of the northeastern-most mansion or in an empty pool by the eastern-most mansion.

How do you get the Godfather criminal rating in GTA Vice City?

To reach Godfather, you will need a 1,000,000 criminal rating….Your criminal rating is based upon a few different factors, those include the following:

  1. The amount of money you are currently holding.
  2. The number of people that you have killed.
  3. The number of vehicles that you have destroyed.
  4. Your weapon accuracy.

How can I get rich in GTA Vice City?

The Best Ways to Make Money in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Definitive Edition

  1. Invest in Assets.
  2. Complete Street Races.
  3. Hold Up Stores.

How do you get the Godfather rating in GTA Vice City?

How much is it to take the cannoli?

Amount of money: 1 point for every $5,000 held, with a maximum of 200,000 points. People wasted: 1 point per person killed. Criminals killed during Vigilante missions: 1 point each. Getting wasted or busted: -3 pointer each time.

Where are all hidden packages in GTA Vice City?

All Hidden Package Rewards

Packages Reward Location
70 Rocket Launcher Ocean View Hotel/Starfish Island Mansion
80 Sea Sparrow Starfish Island Mansion Helipad
90 Rhino Fort Baxter Air Base
100 Hunter + $100,000 Fort Baxter Air Base