Where is the Downloads folder in XP?

In Windows XP there is no default downloads folder, if you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome it will create the folder for you, usually in…

Where can I find my Downloads folder?

Common places to look for files To view the Downloads folder, open File Explorer, then locate and select Downloads (below Favorites on the left side of the window). A list of your recently downloaded files will appear.

Where does Internet Explorer Download files?

Files you have downloaded are automatically saved in the Downloads folder. This folder is usually located on the drive where Windows is installed (for example,C:sers\your name\downloads)….How to Adjust the Settings for Downloads

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the Tools button.
  2. Select the View downloads button.

How do I view Downloads on Windows Explorer?

To view files you’ve downloaded while using Internet Explorer, open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button, and then select View downloads. You’ll be able to see what you’ve downloaded from the web, where these items are stored on your PC, and choose actions to take on your downloads.

How do I open downloads on Windows XP?

Right-click a file and click “Open Containing Folder” to open your downloads folder.

How do I open RAR files in Internet Explorer?

Launch Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder with the RAR file you wish to extract. Right-click on that file and click “Extract Files.” The “Extraction Path and Options” window opens and the “Destination Address” text box displays the path WinRar will use to extract the files.

How do I change my default download location?

Change download locations

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More. Settings.
  3. At the bottom, click Advanced. Downloads.
  4. Adjust your download settings: To change the default download location, click Change and select where you’d like your files to be saved.

How do I open a downloaded file?

See a list of files you’ve downloaded

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More. Downloads. To open a file, click its name. It will open in your computer’s default application for the file type. To remove a download from your history, to the right of the file, click Remove. .

What is the shortcut key to open downloads from Internet Explorer?

CTRL-J: Shows the Download Manager. CTRL-SHIFT-L: Opens the URL or performs a web search (using the browser’s default search engine) on the text in your clipboard.

Why are my files downloading as RAR?

You’ll probably only run into a RAR file when you’re downloading computer software. File sharing websites and software distributors sometimes put their files in a RAR file so that they can compress it down to a smaller size, allowing you to download it faster than you otherwise could.