Where is the Blue Key in industrial zone Doom 2?
Where is the Blue Key in industrial zone Doom 2?
Follow the parapet east to another gargoyle-faced switch. Flip it, then return to the main room of this building again. There will be a lighted arrow on the floor and ceiling of the room pointing to one of the walls. Open the wall it designates to reveal the blue keycard.
How do you get the BFG in tricks and traps?
After dealing with the enemies, shoot the marble demon face wall to reveal a BFG9000 (M). Through the east door in the starting room is a small room with a lion-faced wall and two teleports on either side. Shoot the lion face to access a third teleport taking you to a secret platform in a new area (N).
How do you unlock the secret level in Doom 2?
Secret levels in Doom They are accessed from E1M3, E2M5, E3M6, and E4M2, respectively. If the player activates a secret exit on a level they are not meant to reach a secret level from, they will go to the secret level, as usual.
Where is the blue key in doom?
How to find the blue key in Doom level Mt. Erebus: Near the center of the map is a large, diagonally-oriented building, with a small wooden door in its southeast wall. At low skill levels, the blue key will be just outside of this door.
How many secret levels are in Doom 64?
four DOOM 64 secret levels
There are a total of four DOOM 64 secret levels you can find throughout the game. Each one is better hidden than the last. Not to mention you’ll have to find all of them if you want to obtain the full power of DOOM 64 Unmaker. But more on that later.
What are Pain Elementals?
The Pain Elemental is a monster introduced in Doom II and appeared in Final Doom. It resembles a Cacodemon, but brown in color, with a larger red eye and a pair of arms. Its primary attack is launching Lost Souls, large fiery flying skulls with horns, from its mouth.
How do you get the Unmaker Doom 64?
The Unmaker in the Altar of Pain level is not exactly hidden. It is put smack dab in the middle of the altar, surrounded with five demon guards. The second regular level where you can find the Unmaker is actually the last level of DOOM 64 – The Absolution.
Where is the blue key on Mt Erebus?
If you play on the easy skill levels, the blue key is in front of the entrance door.