Where is the area code 915?

El Paso County
Located in El Paso County in West Texas, area code 915 includes El Paso and the neighboring cities of Culberson and Hudspeth.

What are the area codes in the Philippines?

+63Philippines / Dialing code

What is the area code of Manila?

The 02 area code covers Metro Manila and neighboring areas of (Rizal Province, San Pedro, Laguna, and Bacoor, Cavite).

What time is it in the 915 area code right now?

Get the name, address, and phone carrier for any number

State: Texas
Major City: El Paso
Timezone: Central / Mountain
Current Time: 7:26pm / 6:26pm
Short URL: allareacodes.com/915

What area code is 234 915?

Area code 234 serves northeastern Ohio except the area along Lake Erie. It includes the cities of Akron, Canton, and Youngstown. It is an overlay for area code 330 and serves the same area.

What is area code of Cavite?

Here is the Zip Code/ Postal Code in Cavite. Its area code is 46.

What is the area code of Davao City?

Davao City Area Codes, Philippines

Country Town/City Area Code
Philippines Davao City +63 82

How do I know if my landline is Globe or PLDT?

The NTC assigned each Public Telecommunications Entity (PTE) operating within the local exchange area “02” their own identifier.

  1. For PLDT, it’s “8.”
  2. For Globe, it’s “7.”
  3. For Bayan, it’s “3.”

How do I dial a PLDT landline number?

Press the area code 2. Press the PTE identifier of the landline you wish to call (e.g., 7 for Globe or 8 for PLDT). Press the landline number and proceed with the call.

How do I know if a number is PLDT?

Let’s use PLDT as an example. This means, if your PLDT landline number is 123-4567, your *new* digits are: (8)123-4567….The NTC assigned each Public Telecommunications Entity (PTE) operating within the local exchange area “02” their own identifier.

  • For PLDT, it’s “8.”
  • For Globe, it’s “7.”
  • For Bayan, it’s “3.”

What is the area code of Quezon City?

Quezon City ZIP Code and Area Code

Location ZIP Code Phone Area Code
Cubao 1109 2
Culiat 1128 2
Damar 1115 2
Damayan 1104 2