Where is Soy Luna filmed?

The series was filmed in Cancún, Mexico and later in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Soy Luna was first rumored to be Violetta’s spin-off, however, Soy Luna is a different show with very little ties to Violetta. The filming of the first season wrapped up on February 29, 2016.

Did Soy Luna get Cancelled?

Soy Luna (CANCELED) – Canceled.

Who is Soy Luna’s boyfriend?

Lutteo (Lu/na and Ma/tteo) is the romantic/friendship pairing of Luna Valente and Matteo Balsano. They were dating during the summer between Season 1/Episode 80 and Season 2/Episode 02 and from Season 2/Episode 41 to Season 2/Episode 62 and from Season 3/Episode 55.

What is Soy Luna’s real name?

Portrayed by Karol Sevilla, Luna Valente is the titular character, she is a sweet and kind girl from Mexico.

Does jam and roller exist?

Jam & Roller is the skating team formed by the teens from Jam & Roller. They have participated in numerous competitions and is a consistently high ranking team. The line-up is very fluid, and at times has been chosen through competitions and at others by who is available and willing to participate.

Why did Lionel Ferro leave Soy Luna?

Due to personal reasons, Ferro did not participate in Soy Luna en Concierto or the subsequent tours. He was the only cast member to not participate in any live tour. Ferro is featured on the song “Uh Amor” by the Uruguayan band #TocaParaVos, which was released on May 11, 2017.

How old is Ruggero?

28 years (September 10, 1993)Ruggero Pasquarelli / Age

Did Karol and Ruggero date?

Ruggarol (Rugg/ero and K/arol) is the real-life former friendship pairing of Karol Sevilla and Ruggero Pasquarelli. They were really close friends. They spent a lot of time together on the set of Soy Luna, and off-set too. For the pairing in the series of Luna and Matteo, see Lutteo.

Can you punch in roller derby?

Also, it is against the rules of roller derby to use arms, hands, legs and feet to initiate a “hit”. That makes punching, elbowing, tripping, kicking, even resting your hands on an opponent’s back for too long equal to a minute (or more) in the penalty box. And in derby, a LOT can happen in one minute.

What happened to Sharon Benson in Soy Luna?

In the series finale, Sharon is hospitalized due to another fire in the Benson mansion. She tearfully apologizes to Ámbar for being a bad influence on her, and finally ends her vendetta against the Valentes.