Where is Practice Fusion located?

Employee Rating

Type Subsidiary
HQ San Francisco, CA, US
Founded 2005
Website practicefusion.com
Cybersecurity rating BMore

How do I contact Practice Fusion?

(415) 346-7700Practice Fusion / Customer service

Is Practice Fusion Certified?

Practice Fusion’s EHR Version 3.0 Complete EHR is 2014 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Who founded Practice Fusion?

Ryan Howard
The founding team includes Ryan Howard, Matt Douglass, Jonathan Malek, and Alan Wong. Without their vision, determination and perseverance, Practice Fusion would not have grown to become the #1 cloud-based EHR that it is today.

Is Practice Fusion part of Allscripts?

Why Allscripts Practice Financial Platform? As a Practice Fusion client, you are already a member of the Allscripts family. We made our name by helping practices like yours grow their businesses. We know that being an independent practice can be challenging—but with the right technology, it can be made much easier.

Who owns Allscripts?

Institutional investors hold a majority ownership of MDRX through the 104.91% of the outstanding shares that they control….Top 10 Owners of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc.

Stockholder Fisher Asset Management LLC
Stake 4.81%
Shares owned 5,582,875
Total value ($) 95,411,334
Shares bought / sold -57,581

Is Practice Fusion secure?

Practice Fusion’s EHR runs on Fortune 500 SaaS infrastructure to not only ensure your security, but also the continuous up-time of your account. Your data will be both secure from intrusion and constantly backed up, so you’ll never lose crucial information or access to your records.