Where is Pfannenstiel located?

Pfannenstiel (Zürich)

Coordinates 47°17′30″N 8°40′17″E
Pfannenstiel Location in Switzerland
Location Zürich, Switzerland

What layer is missing during the Pfannenstiel incision?

Pfannenstiel (suprapubic incision): This transverse, slightly convex cut transects the linea alba and anterior layer of the rectus sheath at the pubic hairline. Separate the underlying rectus muscles via the tendons (to allow better reattachment) and identify the surrounding nerves.

What are the types of incision?

Issues of Concern

  • Midline Incisions. Also known as the laparotomy incision, or celiotomy, this is the most traditional of surgical incisions.
  • Kocher Incisions (Subcostal)
  • Para-median Incision.
  • Gridiron Incision (McBurney Incision)
  • Lanz (Rockey-Davis)
  • Thoracoabdominal (Iver Lewis)
  • Chevron.
  • Pfannenstiel (Kerr/Pubic incision)

How are the rectus abdominis muscles handled during a Pfannenstiel incision?

Again., skin, subcutaneous tissue, and rectus sheath are divided transversely as noted above for the Pfannenstiel incision, carrying the incision past the lateral border of the rectus muscle. However, instead of separating the rectus muscles and fascia, the rectus muscles are cut transversely.

What is incisional surgery?

Incisional Hernia Treatments In this surgical procedure, also known as herniorrhaphy, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen above the hernia, pushes any protruding intestine back into the abdomen and repairs the opening in the muscle wall.

What are the three types of incisions?

Abdominal incisions are of three types:

  • Transverse incision.
  • Vertical incision.
  • Oblique incision.

What is a Pfannenstiel incision?

A Pfannenstiel incision / ˈfɑːnɪnʃtiːl /, Kerr incision, Pfannenstiel-Kerr incision or pubic incision is a type of abdominal surgical incision that allows access to the abdomen. It is used for gynecologic and orthopedics surgeries, and it is the most common method for performing Caesarian sections today. This incision is also used in Stoppa

Is a Pfannenstiel incision safe for hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy?

Conclusion: Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy can be safely performed through a vertical, Maylard, or Pfannenstiel incision. In a selected population a Pfannenstiel incision offers the potential benefit of less abdominal wall trauma without compromising surgical exposure or increasing the risk of surgical complications.

Where does the name Pfannenstiel come from?

Although Pfannenstiel means “panhandle” in German, the name of the Pfannenstiel incision does not derive from the incision’s shape or location. It derives instead from the surname of Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel (1862–1909), a German gynecologist who invented the technique, in 1900.

Which incisions are used in pelvic lymphadenectomy and hysterectomy?

Results: Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy was completed through a vertical (n = 113), Pfannenstiel (n = 78), or Maylard (n = 45) incision.