Where is Nithyananda Swamy now?

Accused of sexual assault, Nithyananda has been hiding on the island off the coast of Ecuador since 2019.

Who is the owner of Kailasa country?

Following accusations and charges of rape and abduction in Indian courts, Nithyananda left India and went into hiding, citing threats of assassination and mob lynching. He subsequently announced the founding of his own self-proclaimed island nation called Kailaasa.

Is Kailaasa a country?

As per the website: Kailasa is an “E-nation” that has a population of 100 million “Adi Shaivites and two billion practicing Hindus” It has three languages: English, Sanskrit and Tamil. The “country” professes Hinduism (Santana Dharma) as its State religion.

Where did Nithyananda buy island?

Rape-accused self-styled godman Nithyananda has started his own nation after purchasing private island from Ecuador. He has named the island as ‘Kailaasa’ and has designed the flag, passport and emblem for the island nation.

What is the currency of Kailasa?

Kailashian dollars
In a video shared on his official Facebook page, Nithyananda launched the ‘Reserve Bank of Kailasa’ and presented its official currency, ‘Kailashian dollars’, as an ‘offering to Lord Ganesha’ during a puja.

Is Kailasa Recognised by UN?

KAILASA’s Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple’s report, “Media Disinformation in India” was accepted and published by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Where is United States of Kailasa?

1. Nithyananda has set up the ‘Republic of Kailaasa’ on an island off Ecuador in South America, declaring it the ‘world’s greatest and purest Hindu nation’.

Can we buy an island?

“Most of our clients do have more money than others, but not all of them are super wealthy. You have to make sure the island can do what you want it to do.” Islands can be sold in two different ways. A freehold island, which is much more common in the Caribbean, North America, and Europe, can be bought outright.

How can I apply for Kailasa passport?

Apply for a KAILASA E-Passport

  1. First Name* As per legal ID. Last Name* As per legal ID.
  2. Gender* Male. Female. Spiritual Name. (Optional) If applicable. Date of Birth*

How do I apply for Kailasa visa?

Who owns island in India?

Swami Nithyananda owns private island, declares it ‘Hindu sovereign nation’ Self-styled godman Nithyananda owned a private island, reports suggested. A website named Kailaasa.org has popped up suggesting that he has founded his own country.

What is the price of island?

What will it cost you? There are islands available for as little as $ 20,000-50,000 or Rs 1-3 crore, but they are not likely to be “quality” islands. “Despite the apparent saturation of islands, only perhaps as few as 5 per cent can be described as quality islands,” says Vladi.