Where is Madagascar biodiversity hotspot?

It is found only in the primary and secondary rainforests of southeastern Madagascar. Because Madagascar has been an island for tens of millions of years, many of the plants and animals that live there are found nowhere else, making it an extremely important biodiversity hotspot.

Where are Australia’s biodiversity hotspots?

South West Australia Ecoregion
The South West Australia Ecoregion (SWAE) is Australia’s only Global Biodiversity Hotspot, and is home to a variety of unique flora and fauna which are under serious threat. In fact, this region has the highest concentration of rare and endangered species in Australia.

Is the island of Madagascar a biodiversity hotspot?

While our planet is a wonderland of wildlands, there are few places as spectacular as Madagascar, a Biodiversity Hotspot. The world’s largest oceanic island and the fourth largest island overall, Madagascar contains a diverse range of ecosystems that host an exceptional array of species.

How many biodiversity hotspots are in Australia?

Since the first analysis identifying biodiversity hotspots in 2000, the list has expanded, and now 35 hotspots are recognised, two in Australia: the Southwest and the forests of east Australia.

Why is Madagascar rich in biodiversity?

This distinctive biodiversity is a result of Madagascar’s geographic isolation. Geologists believe that 165 million years ago Madagascar was connected to Africa, but began to drift away from the continent sometime during the next 15 million years.

Who point out the most important hotspots are Madagascar and the Indian Ocean islands and sundaland?

ecologist Norman Myers
The most important hotspots are Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands and Sundaland. British ecologist Norman Myers first introduced the concept of terrestrial biodiversity hotspots, very important areas for biological conservation, in 1988 he identified ten hotspots in the tropical forest biome (Myers, 1988).

What is the country next to Australia?

It is the sixth-largest country in the world, with only about 25.4 million inhabitants (in 2020). Australia shares maritime borders with East Timor, Indonesia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia (France). Australia’s general geographical features.

What is the biodiversity of Madagascar?

Madagascar is a truly unique biodiversity hotspot. More than 80% of the flora and fauna can only be found on the island. However, this unique mosaic of life is under threat from deforestation, hunting and illegal trade in wildlife.

How much of the world’s biodiversity is in Madagascar?

There are more unique species of plants and animals living in Madagascar than on the entire African continent and more than eighty percent of its species can be found nowhere else on Earth.

Why does Madagascar have such a diverse environment?

What type of ecosystem is Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands?

tropical rainforest ecosystem
The Indian Ocean islands are made up of a range of volcanic islands, fragments of continental material, and coral cays and atolls. On Madagascar, the easter escarpment and eastern lowlands have a tropical rainforest ecosystem. On the other hand, dry deciduous forests line the western coast of the island.