Where is IE browser History stored?


  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Go to Tools > Internet Options.
  3. In the General Tab, under Browsing history click on Settings.
  4. You should be able to locate the current location of your temporary files where all your cache files, cookies and history are stored.

How do I find browsing history in Windows?

Go to the browser menu and select Library / History, or press the key shortcut Ctrl + H. To attach browsing history to the sidebar on the left, go to the menu Library / History / View History Sidebar.

Why is my History not showing up on Internet Explorer?

Again open Internet Explorer click on Tools button and then click Internet Options. In Content, there will be an option AutoComplete, and then clicking Settings. In AutoComplete settings, browsing history option should be checked.

How can I view deleted history on Internet Explorer?

How to Recover a Deleted History on Internet Explorer

  1. Open ‘My Computer” and select “Documents and Settings.” Video of the Day.
  2. Go to your “username” (the name you login to your computer with).
  3. Click “Local Settings,” then click “History.” A list will populate, and you can search for the files you need. Tip.

How do I view history on Internet Explorer 11?

  1. To access your history, open Internet Explorer 11. Select the Favorites button, then select the History tab.
  2. If you would like to view your browsing history in chronological order, in the dropdown menu, select View By Date.
  3. And that’s it!

Where is browser history stored on computer?

Google Chrome history location and details Chrome history is stored in an SQLite database, the filename is History and can be found in the following locations: Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10. C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default.