Where is Grommash hellscream?

Demon Fall Canyon
Grommash “Grom” Hellscream was the legendary chieftain of the Warsong clan, a powerful warrior, close friend, and greatest lieutenant to Warchief Thrall….

Grommash Hellscream
Occupation Chieftain of the Warsong clan, Lieutenant to Warchief Thrall
Location Buried in Demon Fall Canyon, Ashenvale
Status Deceased (aged 46)

What happens to Garrosh in Shadowlands?

He died in Draenor, and we thought we were rid of him — but Shadowlands seems to have gone ahead and made that final.

Who kills Garrosh?

Not willing to risk Garrosh escaping and wreaking more chaos upon the universe, Thrall killed Garrosh Hellscream and left him and his weapon on the field of battle, the place where the former Warchief had valued above all others.

Is Garrosh gone forever?

At the end of War Crimes, the August Celestials tell the leaders of Azeroth that they were never going to put Garrosh to death for his crimes, stating that one can only learn in life, and not in death. In the game we see the final Mak’Gora between Go’el and Garrosh, ending in Garrosh’s death.

Did Grom know Garrosh is his son?

Garrosh never revealed to Grom he has his son from another timeline, he was just some stranger who popped up and gained his trust through his valor and warnings of things to come.

Is Garrosh gone for good now?

Looks like Garrosh is gone for good now. Part of me was hoping he would redeem and become a character we aid in maldraxxus maybe, but at least he is true to his character here. His soul was a good anima battery.

Is Garrosh Hellscream evil?

Type of Villain He is the supporting character in Burning Crusade, Wraith Of The Lich King, and Cataclysm. He then becomes the main antagonist in Mists Of Pandaria and a supporting antagonist in Warlords Of Draenor.